When it burst forth in prisms of passion, when it became born, it already
contained the promise
The possession that would build like smoke, wet wood and smoke
What is it, which I speak of? Where does it find home?
I speak of what it is I have found. What it is, is unspeakable
It lives right now in some garden ripe with fruit and wilting flowers
Ponds that have no bottom and fish with three eyes
It lives at the edge, where the grass becomes thick and reaching
Lives on the giant rock that towers above, yet is surrounded
The dark bird cradled by the divine giant oak is the meaning of love
Sky is self, but it is something else
Seeds sex, seeds passion and spasms of life, seeds the undiscovered
Leaves mean creation from the root
Soil is seeking, soil is fear
The large cemetery, decorated with seashells and makeshift God
ornaments... reminder of the things which can not be remembered or relived
It is partly there
Partly playing with the serpents
Partly asleep
Partly amongst the lilies
Night like insanity casts shadows on the things we think we know
As night falls on the garden the things which are known... the it ...
becomes a great dragon without body
It has learned that time is a vulture
That time is peace
That time is unreal
One spring day it began to count the blossoms, the sprouts, weeds,
moving things, breathing things ... it began counting the life
As summer spread there was no rest, as the life became overwhelming
As autumn crept in - subtraction
Winter is the realization of death
And spring a contradiction to the end
Could it have been imagined? The end, and what would become of it?
Repetition, but this time there is more
It diluted the unforgivable, hiding it between the cracks, between the
The ants have found it hibernating there, and now palaces and pathways
Eternity is a bell that rings only once, but that too is pictured again
It forgets to sleep, not exactly alert, just the slow hum of being it.
Sense is only a projection
And so on and on
It was, when I was wandering the labyrinth
I am the stranger who created it, no obligations... only discovery
I am it, but it is not me.
I am the seed and it is the tree, linked by the umbilical cord that is
... if God had a name today.
