Healthy Eating
aim of a healthy diet is to increase the nutrients available in the food
you eat, decrease the amount of toxins consumed from eating processed
foods and decrease the substances in foods that are detrimental to health
such as sugar, harmful fats etc.
Up to 50% of the nutritional value is lost from non-organic foods.
Pesticides contain organophosphates and arsenic as well as other harmful
chemicals. These are not foods and our livers have to detoxify them. It is
a moot point whether such things as organic fruits and vegetables truly
exist anymore, due to acid rain, but at least if you buy organic produce
you are not ingesting pesticide residues.
These foods form an alkaline ash in the body. A typical western diet, high
in animal fats, sugar and protein, forms an acid ash in the body. This
uses up vital vitamins like calcium which help reduce the acidity. High
acidity is associated with an increased risk of degenerative diseases (see
article on calcium in The Physik Garden Elemental Kitchen for more info on
this). Eat red meat no more than once a week. Good sources of protein include
white meat, fish, eggs, cheese (although high in saturated fats), live
yoghurts, nuts, pulses, soybeans and tofu.
Wheat encourages loss of minerals from the body and is an irritant to the
gut wall. Many people have problems with wheat as it is nowadays mostly
genetically engineered (60% of wheat produced in U.S. is GM). Grains were
introduced comparatively recently into our diets so we have not evolved to
metabolize them very well. Grains to replace wheat may include corn, rice,
rye, barley, oats, amarynth, buckwheat and quinoa.
The best form of fibre is fruit and vegetables. Eat whole foods rather
than refined (white) foods as up to 80% of the minerals have been removed
from refined foods. Fibre speeds up 'transit time' and encourages the body
to eliminate excess cholesterol and hormones. It also encourages the right
ecological balance in the gut.
This includes all processed foods as well as cakes, confectionery,
ice-cream etc. Artificial sweeteners are also harmful (see article
on aspartame in The Physik Garden Elemental Kitchen). Apart from
destabilizing blood sugar and reducing brain function, sugar is an
anti-nutrient, which means it uses up nutrients but does not provide any.
(People eating sugar regularly may have low levels of chromium, zinc, B3
and B6.) Sugar was introduced into our diets with the industrial
revolution and is not naturally part of our diet. (The slave trade was
founded on sugar. Food for thought ?) 15% of white blood cells are killed
every time you eat sugar and it takes 24 hours to replace them. Cancer
cells thrive on sugar. Sugar which is not used as energy is converted into
fat and can lead to an imbalance in blood fats and excess weight gain. It
is implicated in PMS.
These include tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. Try alternatives such as
Dandelion Coffee, Barleycup, Chicory, Caro, Rooibosch tea or herbal teas.
These help protect us from disease, give us energy, feed the brain and
nervous system, are converted into hormones and give us good skin. They
are found in seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, hemp, linseed), nuts,
cold-pressed oils and oily fish. They become toxic when heated, so
frying is best avoided. Use only unhydrogenated margarines and reduce
saturated fats. These can block the use of 'good' fats. Essential fats
increase metabolism and help in weight loss. Deficiency can underlie some
PMS symptoms, and cause an upset in blood sugar, and predispose to
cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and eczema. The higher fatty
acids are essential in building the myelin sheath which joins the two
halves of the brain, This process achieves full integration at
approximately age 20, and therefore these higher fatty acids are of
utmost importance in the diet of children. They are destroyed by heating
above 106F - all food processing is above this temperature. Deficiency can
predispose children to learning and co-ordination difficulties and
behavioural problems. It is possible that many people in the West have a
diet totally deficient in fatty acids - an alarming thought, as they are
crucial in maintaining the integrity of the surface of every cell in the
Cooking destroys enzymes which are essential for digesting food,
extracting nutrients from the food and dissolving fat. Cooked foods weaken
the spleen, and common indicators for splenic imbalance are indigestion,
flatulence, exhaustion, depression and low immunity to infections. This is
due to the critical role played by the spleen in digestion. When the
spleen is nourished by live food, the digestion, assimilation and
absorption of all nutrients significantly improves.
Compiled by Sous Chef, with valuable
assistance from Ms T.
February 2000