The Dream Box is currently closed while the wiches are
on a sabbatical. Apologies for any inconvenience.
although I did have a dream last night about flexing muscles I think with my old dad. Cant work that one out!
Mice testing
- Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 00:20:38 (BST)
Well, i dreamt that I'd left the car outside Safeways in Peckham, and when I went to get in it, after doing my shopping, I discovered someone had stolen the roof, like taking the top off a tin can.It was night. I just stood there, couldn't believe it.A crowd gathered, no one could figure out how it had been done.For some reason, I couldn't drive the car home, despite it now having become a convertible.I had the keys but they didn't work.
- Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 22:10:55 (BST)
Congratulations on being the first two dreamers to step inside the Box.Sue, if I were you , I would get your Crown Chakra checked out by a professional as soon as possible.Sounds like you need to put a lid on things quick.Mike, don't worry. Hopefully, you will move out of the Oedipal phase soon. This usually happens around the age of 7, so not long to go.Love and Best Wishes, Minnie Witch
- Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 12:55:51 (BST)
morning crow atop street light- not a body in sight.
christopher <
boston, - Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 06:12:05 (BST)
Christopher, Thankyou for you dream "snapshot" - almost a Haiku.In the words of Ted Hughes, concerning Crow,"His wings are the stiff back of his only book,Himself the only page - of solid ink,So he gazes into the quag of the past,Like a gypsy into the crystal of the future"Personally, I like to fly with the crows,ESPECIALLY in the early morning.Regards, POULENE WITCHPS: If you have any idea what "quag" means, let me know.
Poulene witch
- Friday, September 03, 1999 at 17:44:17 (BST)
This is a panicky recurring dream: I'm walking on the gravel road that leads to my parent's home in the mountains. No one is around. It becomes dusk all of a sudden, off in the distance, I see several large, ugly men walking in a row. They are hunched over and wearing rags. Fear grabs me and I know I have to hide. I run to the closest house and go inside. It's my folks' neighbor's house, they are not home. I run frantic to lock all the doors and windows and as I do so I hear the men outside. They are ogres with big misshapen hands and gnarled faces like trees. I keep thinking the house isn't safe and I have to escape, but everywhere I turn, they are outside. There is a knock at the door and I go to see who it is (the ogres, you idiot! don't answer it! -ed.)I notice that the door is and has been unlocked the whole time and one of the ogres is coming in! I start to yell, but I have no voice. Then I wake up.
Ms. Alex Webb <
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, September 04, 1999 at 02:18:35 (BST)
Alex, it seems to me that your dream is about integration, or lack of it. The ogres are possibly the parts of yourself which you have trouble owning, or maybe messengers from your wild, unruly id which you dare not confront when you're awake. They sound much louder when you're sleeping because your defences are down.However, the fact that you didn't manage to lock the door suggests that you are, on one level, willing for this integration to take place. And let me tell you, in my part of the forest the ogres, although amazingly ugly and quite without manners, do have a certain charm. We keep one by the back door in case the fire goes out, so that we can navigate by the light of his luminous nose. I call him Chip.Thankyou for sharing this dream with us all. Yours, GOLIGHTLY WITCH
- Tuesday, September 07, 1999 at 17:44:45 (BST)
I was at school, and in the past, when I was just born. I died and then came back to life again. A letter was sent home about this, and I didn't know a thing about what had happened. A child from Year 6 saw the letter in my folder and started telling everyone about it. Soon practicly everyone in the school kew about it and turned against me. The next day I went on a kind of drama course and we went to the seaside. We had to pretend to be all the animals. Then this man who was supposed to be an inspector came up to us and said we should tug our rowing boat onto the shore. So he started walking into the water and I grabed onto one of his shoulders. Then he went past the boat because he said he wanted to see the farm, which was right in the middle of the sea. It was very muddy and I put on polo necks and leggings. There was a huge tree with lots of obstacles and we had to go through it. Then the man feeled my sleeve and said" You'll be much too hot in those clothes". Then I woke up because it was actually mum who was feeling my arm to wake me up.
London, - Friday, September 17, 1999 at 14:53:32 (BST)
I was spending a week at a health spa, and as I hadn't paid much I wasn't getting any perks and everyone else was, I then drove past a huge misty lake where two women were standing on the water meditating and naked with goggles on, one was really aneamically blond and the meditation teacher was shouting 'in order to meditate you must take off all your clothes' the girl came out of the water and I said 'do I have to take all my clothes off?' and she said in a cockeny voice 'Yeah its alright though he's good' so I stepped out of my cossie and lent it to her and then in to the water and this very feirce bearded meditation teacher shouted 'come over here' at that point I looked down and a river was below me and a friend shouted from a boat in a Scottish Accent, 'Oy Lehla are you taking your kit off again?' and then he passed under a bridge kissed a women in his boat that then turned into a car in the middle of Oxford street and I shouted to my friend behind me oy look whos in the car and all these tourists bombarded his car. I was then on a high dirt cliff looking down and there was clear blue water with baby otters swimming in it I really wanted to jump in but was scared that I might get attacked by their parents, so I tried to scramble back up a bank that had badger hole in it, I then heard a loo flush and was woken up by my friend Nicky. Weird....explain that.....???
Lehla <
- Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at 10:19:12 (BST)
Teya - knowing you are a witch's child, as I do, I feel that the first part of your dream is about your experience of growing up "different" to the herd,and worrying that this will cause your peers to ostracise you...well, I just want to remind you of something your mother has often told you "Do not follow where the path may lead - go instead where there is no path and leave a trail".It's tough sometimes, but worth the effort. As for the rest of the dream, animals usually represent the "instinctual" self, the bits of us that are not ruled by the brain.Water, too, represents the unconscious, so I think you were having a wonderful time playing with your unconscious instincts and along comes a boring grown-up to tell you what to do, and then changes his mind half-way. Well, that's just typical of grown-ups isn't it. Mud symbolises the indecisions of your life The tree IS your life, and. well, obstacles are obstacles are obstacles......Love from all of us in the forest, and come and play after school anytime. We'll have those funny frog biscuits you like so much, the ones you have to catch first, and a cup or two of magicberry juice. POULENE WITCH xxx
- Friday, September 24, 1999 at 13:58:36 (BST)
Lehla - if I was a Freudian, I would say that this is a very sexual dream. Sigmund, of course, views water as a sexual symbol, due to all the fluids involved, ( he came round the other night for a mess of pottage, we talked about it), and there is certainly A LOT of water in your dream, 4 different kinds if you include the flushing loo, plus the nudity.Ah, the nudity. If you come from a culture where nudity is not socially acceptable, then you will have had to sublimate the (unconscious) desire to show off your body by performing in some other way (am I getting close?) Your friend's comment that you are getting your kit off again, indicates that you expect some kind of admonishment for your desire to perform/expose yourself. There is more Superego activity, represented by the meditation teacher barking orders, and the parents of the baby otters preventing you from jumping in the inviting water.Altogether a scenario rich in the struggles of the psyche. However, I'm not a Freudian, I'm a Witch, so I'll just say, Come on in, the water's lovely, don't forget to pack some clothes in your suitcase, and send me a postcard when you get there. Yours by land and sea, MINNIE WITCH.
- Friday, September 24, 1999 at 21:49:04 (BST)
I was in a house I shared with some friends. we were sitting having a picnic. One of the boys was pushing some paving slabs I was having laid. He pushed so hard that all the smaller pieces were going out of sequence. I told him to stop but he pushed so hard, one eventually snapped in two. I was really cross and walked away. One of the girls came after me, i said I was trying to get things nice for everyone and they didn't seem to appreciate it. When I went back into the dining-room, they were all sitting around the table. While I was thinking "a gingham table cloth would be nice", one girl, african with facial scarring above her eyebrows, was choosing a handkerchief. Before they even told me, I knew what they were about to do. From the pit of my stomach came a deep "No", as if it came from my soul. I couldn't be heard. I tried to tell them I had been down that path and they didn't understand how dark the other side was but, before I could say anything, two figures appeared saying "You called" with grins on their faces. One had a little horn on the middle of its forehead and another had yellow, bloodshot eyes, quite normal otherwise. As they started to dance around and entrance everyone, two other figures appeared with hoods. As they pulled back the hoods I could see they had curly hair and pointed ears with broad smiles. Again I tried to speak but the sounds were buried deep in my stomach. They all started to follow them out but the african woman, myself and another girlfriend held on to the door frame to stop an invisible force pulling us. we needed to get away without being seen and had to find sanctuary near innocents. We had to get to the children's bedroom. As we went from room to room the closed curtains started billowing and the sound of laughter could be heard outside the house, which became more manic. I knew then it was too late for the others.
London, - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 21:18:55 (BST)
Giuseppina - My, what a dream! let's start at the very beginning...the house - a personal dwelling-place, needing fixing, perhaps indicating inner work you need to do.This work is being sabotaged by a male figure, pointing to a struggle with your own masculine side, your animus. The animus seems to represent a great danger to you, the "shadow", which here takes many forms, all somewhat threatening, as shadows tend to be. Likewise, all the women in the dream are aspects of your conscious self, the self that is trying to maintain control, but with great difficulty.. The danger that you perceive is in fact your conscious self resisting merging with the animus, nothing more. In the words of a wise old owl which used to live in our rafters, "What you resist, persists".(You mention an african...assuming you are not dark-skinned I would say that this points to the beginning of this integration of "self" and "shadow" already taking place) You seek the children's room, which represents a yearning to return to a less complicated state, a longing for the past maybe. Finally, you mention closed curtains, a wonderfully simple metaphor, billowing with possibilities, and the sound of manic laughter OUTSIDE the house, the ceremony is going on without you....
I hope this interpretation removes some of the dread which I sense accompanies your desire to share your dream. Wishing you good times. GOLIGHTLY WITCH
- Friday, October 22, 1999 at 15:25:47 (BST)
D R E A M #16
A well dressed, well-heeled and good looking man of (38) walks into a sophisticated club / bar, orders a drink and calmly, confidently and openly sits down. He begins to gamble, playing cards – it’s a slick operation with a French dealer (male) who checks the man’s cards from his standing position with the aid of 3 different size eyepieces, uttering confirmation in French relating to each of the three tests – everything is OK. The man plays several games and wins nearly all of them. Eventually, he plays a confident, attractive and sexy older woman (55) – she is good but loses most games. She then leaves the gaming table and disappears through a back room door. The man follows and appears in a fantastic, vaguely labyrinthine pseudo-Aztec palace that is clearly the woman’s home (sand-stone columns wrapped in vines, marble floors and occasional prison barred walls, – it is exquisite!). It is also clear that the gambling joint is her business as well. They begin to play cards again within a minimal open space room; this time she decimates him! – her chips in the form of large wooden (pine) building blocks, snaking across the table and on forever on the floor. The man accepts his defeat with a mixture of incredulity and laughter – he is having a great time, nonetheless. The scene is right for them to retire and have great, sensual, passionate sex – a perfect end to a great night. When he wakes in the bed he is alone so goes to search for her. He finds her in a small, cell-like, empty room dressed in big, white knickers rather like granny thermals. She is manifestly quite a different person, weak, vulnerable, child-like. Obviously distraught and weeping, palms pressed to her face, looking rather more like her age. When she realises he is standing at the door she is surprised. He tries to console her, hug her compassionately; genuinely concerned but she says no; she must shower and tells him he must go. She flees the room and he does not pursue her. Next, c.u. the man playing chess, seemingly on his own. He is dressed in fine clothes, as before, (dk. blue, double-breasted, pin-stripe suit.) The view widens to include a large chess screen mounted on the wall in the mid-distance as he completes his move and says to himself ‘Now why did she do that?’ It is clear that he is playing her. Then five menacing ‘heavies’ (the woman’s), half animal and literally twice the width as normal humans and wearing various S&M leather face-masks, gloves with spikes etc come towards him. They surround him and he is absolutely terrified, limp in their presence. The protagonist among the ‘heavies’ wields a overlarge mace+chain cum bat and asks the man in a half spoken half roared, ‘THE NOSE ? ? !’ to which the crying, helpless and desperate man manages a nod. The hit is viciously fast and hardly seems to contact the man at all as it swipes past his face in a complete vertical action, then an almighty full hit to his head and he falls to the ground instantly unconscious for 2-3 seconds. Next we see (from an aerial position) the inside of a brightly lit, travelling ‘Mariah’ van. The man is hoisted towards (us) the ceiling via a rope and hook attached to his feet. A bald, bare-chested guard / torturer immediately rips off the man’s undergarments (tights?) revealing his anus into which he roughly inserts his finger / hand and shouts something to the driver (partitioned off) about ‘the dogs!’ – the implication being that he is about to be raped by dogs. Next, we see him semi-comatose, his head and shoulders protruding from the threshold of his prison room which, given his state, needs not to be locked. Above him a watching, mocking guard says to another something about ‘the second round (of rape / beatings) ‘finally got to him!’ to which the man feebly, but defiantly utters the words, ‘A third time would really do the trick; it’s marking my lungs’. Surprised, but willing to oblige, the guards pick him up for the third session. Next, we are looking up at the man through part of a building (or the van); he is dressed well as before, and is reciting a retribution speech – ENDS!!
Daniel <
- Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 14:54:58 (BST)
Daniel, When I first read your dream I assumed it had fallen to me to interpret due to my past acquaintance with Le Marquis De Sade, ( and what a siecle that was!), plus my fondness for a game of whist,(played on broomsticks as the moon wanes). However, on closer scrutiny, I've decided that this is not a dream about sex and gambling at all......Things are not what they seem, which in itself is a statement that may encapsulate the essence of this story. I start from the premise that everyone you describe here is an aspect of yourself. To use the accepted psychoanalytic categories - your ego is the well-dressed, (disguised), confident man; your super-ego is the croupier, judging and makng sure "everything is OK" and your id is the "heavies" wreaking havoc with this contrived persona, accompanied by dogs, the mythological guardians of the gate to the underworld,( the unconscious). The number 3 crops up twice, three tests and three rounds of rape(or tests of a different kind), pointing to this triad of ego, super-ego and id.There are several polarities here - winning and losing, great sex and anal rape, confidence and helplessness. The woman I regard as another polarity, as through a connection to your female side you are led to this experience. She could of course represent a real woman, lover, mother, or your relationship to women in general - but only you can know that. Are you in some kind of conflict, or at a cross-roads in your life? This level of 'abuse'from the id usually indicates a struggle that the dreamer is having, and the message is that if you follow your desires you are in for a great deal of upheaval.It could be seen as a warning or a question - are you really prepared to go through this for that? A final word about THE NOSE - it is a source of energy and wisdom. Smell gives us clues to our safety as well as our seductions, (dogs of course have a sense of smell far more acute than the human or even the witchy one), and I would like to link this with the remark about the marking of the lungs - we breathe through our noses into our lungs.I find it interesting that the nose is what is threatened first - maybe you are questioning your powers of discernment and discrimination, which bring us back to things not being what they seem. And ending with a retribution speech. Is this in the style of Stalinist Self-Criticism or are you making recompense and if so, to whom? I would imagine, following my own line of reasoning, you are making retribution to yourself. We all enjoyed this dream a lot, Daniel. It reeks of change, a smell we savour.A Bientot, MINNIE WITCH
- Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 22:06:36 (BST)
I was at school and there was some sellotape with my name on that I had made. i think Emrah put it in his draw so because I had made it we were playing a game that he was giving it to me but then taking it away too fast. I had to try and catch it because every time he was giving it to me, he was taking it away. I managed to get it because he had started taking it away slower. Emrah cried and i (when I managed to snatch it) put it back in my drawer and said "thankyou" for giving it back to me. and so he never knew that he had put it in my drawer. My sister wrote this out for me but i told her the words.
- Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 22:50:07 (GMT)
I was in a friend meeting, and one of them started to tell me that he had met a mermaid, and i started to cry, so moved to know that mermaids existed. Then he told me that i could meet one if i wanted to, the only thing i had to do was going down to th shore.
then i realized that we were in a house by the shore. i went down to the beach i walking by the sea, i saw a tray like the ones you can see in the market with all the fishes.
Inside the tray there was a fried fish tail, with a woman's body. I felt sad and my friends came.
I asked them if that was really a mermaid, and they invited me to take her out of the tray.
I touched her and she stood up, and she was as tall as me.
I asked her about her tail, if it was alright. She laughed and tokk it out, as if it wwere a skirt
and threw it on the sand. I begun to cry and ran away
- Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 11:17:23 (GMT)
My mother coming back to life.
- Monday, November 22, 1999 at 15:39:46 (GMT)
Dear Reuben - I think your dream is to do with the questions that all children ask about who they are, questions that grown-ups usually find very difficult to answer, probably because they are still asking those same questions themselves. You make something with your name on it, a label. Then your friend, Emrah takes it from you, but playfully, and puts it in his drawer, in other words in a dark place hidden away, he hides YOU, pretends to give it back, takes it away again, and so on. If you think of the sellotape as the "you" that you know, and Emrah as another "you" that you aren't so sure of, it is as if you are playing a game with yourself, "am I this, or am I that"? Well, I am here to tell you that you are this, that and a whole lot more all at once.When you finally get hold of your sellotape, (your known self) again, Emrah cries, because the "you" that you know had won the game of the selves. It was really nice that you thanked him, as that means that you are honouring your other self, (although there seems to have been a bit of trickery involved which we won't go into here in case you get bored).All in all, it was a very healthy game you were playing, Reuben. I like the sound of it. I hope you aren't too confused by all the "you"s. Please thank your sister for writing it down to share with us, and I hope you both send us some more of your dreams soon. Lots of love from all the forest creatures. POULENE WITCH. P.S. Magda,the white raven asked me to ask you how the flying lessons are going? Did you make it to the first branch yet?
- Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 23:01:14 (GMT)
Lorena - As the sea represents the unconscious, so any sea creature can be a messenger from this realm. There are those who believe that fish in dreams symbolise the male organ and though that is an interesting idea here, inasmuch as a mermaid is therefore a complete female/male entity, an integrated being, I prefer to see your mermaid as a message to you about possibilities. In my undersea travels,I have come to respect the fishes as being supreme adepts at exploring the depths. They are completely at home, fluid and yielding, in their environment. (The fish has always been associated with Christianity, but being a pagan witch, I won't dwell on that aspect, other than to translate it as a metaphor for the spirit, which transcends religion). So I would interpret the mermaid as being a sign that you are going through a process of connection with your unconscious self. Your tears echo the watery theme - first you cry when you hear mermaids exist, a possibility revealed.Then you cry when your mermaid becomes human, a possibility removed again. It's natural to be disturbed by such a powerful illustration of self-transformation, especially as when you first see her she looks a bit fried. If you are engaged in any form of healing work or therapy, I would consider this dream to be an extremely good omen. You are on the right path, but you still have doubts, and the ending of the dream indicates that there is a part of you which wishes to remain on dry land, hesitating to take the plunge and commit yourself fully to a new relationship with yourself.Best wishes for the future, GOLIGHTLY WITCH.
- Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 13:01:12 (GMT)
Sadia - this is a bit of a tease, and so I will just mention that in the Shamanic tradition, dreams of a dead mother, father or ancestor heralds the awakening of the dreamer's shamanic power. The Jungian archetype of the Wise Woman can also be embodied by the mother in dreams, and is a symbolic guide for the dreamer, representing primordial energy that could assist the development of spiritual power - different culture, same idea. However, maybe your dream is simply a wish that your mother could come back to life. Ah well, that's a tough one. In the forest we light candles to help the dead on their way, and honour them in stories told around the fire.Regards, MINNIE WITCH
- Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 15:44:48 (GMT)
when suddendly it was...just pure,so bright,so..not me.that sensation of not facing..and the unknowing the others embrace me into the desire and half-wish of the warm of those nostalgic arms and kisses...(distant sound of ethereal music).
then i feel how this is trascending as far a I feel the cold of the night and I see the red light of my stereo,looks so little... then I´m holding the someone´s back ..that sun is melting into my tears and despair of your absence...
carlos palacious <
puebla, puebla mexico - Saturday, February 05, 2000 at 08:04:59 (GMT)
Carlos - your poetic style leaves us all breathless, and wondering if an interpretation is indeed necessary, as you seem to have said it all yourself - beautifully. Minnie suggested you lay off the tequila but I am sure that this series of wonderful images you have created comes from deep within you.
Regards, Poulene
Poulene Witch
- Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 22:48:04 (GMT)
I dreamt I was looking after my friend's sheep. It had swollen testicles and needed special attention. I didn't keep my eye on the ball (!), consequently its testicles swelled beyond proportion and started oozing pus. I felt fantasically guiltly, especially as I had to give the sheep antibiotics.
- Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 21:43:52 (GMT)
This is a dream from sometime ago, but I wrote it down and found it recently
while going through some older sketchbooks. "I was in this part of town called
The Old West End, a vicotrian neigborhood here. There are railroad tracks
running through it, but they are fenced off, seperating them from The Old West
End. I was being chased through the streets and come across this fence, feeling there
is nowhere else to go I hop the fence, which is about 15 feet high. I get to the top
and fall over into a pile of clothes. The railroad tracks are on the top of this hill
of clothing and it runs as far as my eyes can see. It's nighttime with streetlights
illuminating the everything. I get up and walk to my right and run into a gate with a toll
booth and barbedwire, a checkpoint of sorts. A large guy wearing overalls that are torn
up, he's dirty and missing some teeth, he asks me how I escaped and why I didn't have a number.
Smiling, he grabs my hand and is about to put, what I believe is a number 8 in my wrist.
Now, he didn't tell me what number it was, I just knew. He was going to carve it in with
a rusty hobby knife, and put me back in The Old West End, but from a building across the
street, which is The Toledo Museum of Art, an artist who seems to be mad(crazy) grabs me
from the guard and pulls me into the building and leads me around, almost like a tour.
I see all sorts of artists, all mad(crazy), sculpting and painting. They, the artists,
were very friendly and non-threatening. All of them were smiling, almost cartoonish. The building
inside was lit by an unseen light source. The walls were a sunshine yellow, very bright.
Now, the artists aren't locked up, it's the people who don't do art who are locked up. The only
artwork I remember seeing was a sculpture by this one girl, who was very pretty. She had brown
shoulder length hair, blue eyes, and she was wearing a flower print sundress. She was working on a
metal sculpture, a bird I think, it was coloured in all primary colours. She was painting it with a fork
not a brush, but the paint went on very smooth with the fork, as if by a brush. I stood very close to her,
she spoke to me, but said nothing I could remember. I woke up as she leans toward my face to kiss me."
I know this is really scattered and the writing kind of sucks, but it was all I could remember.
Patric <
USA - Monday, February 21, 2000 at 08:02:51 (GMT)
SARA - I had a long consultation concerning your dream with Xenon, the old ram who inhabits the field to the North of the forest, after which I had to rush and get him a couple of cold compresses and a stiff whisky. We finally agreed that a sheep as a dream symbol probably denotes a feeling of thwarted creativity, sheep being perceived as fairly vacant creatures who stick together, lacking individuality or a sense of direction or purpose. (Though the truth may be somewhat different, if Xenon's rave parties are anything to go by).Are you really feeling guilty because you are "medicating" your higher aspirations. Well, look out! They may be about to burst forth anyway, "oozing pus" and messing with your ideas of conformity. Good Luck - and next time, try to keep your eye on the ball then catch it and throw it in the air. Don't be sheepish.Yrs, MINNIE
- Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 21:44:01 (GMT)
Patric - sorry for the delay in replying to your dream.We've been trying to paint with forks. This is the kind of dream which is difficult to interpret without a context. We wonder what is your relationship to art? Jaded art-critic, starving genius....Also, its an old dream, but I'll answer in the present because that's where I am. What are you running from - something, or someone, overwhelming I would guess, and you are saved by art. Art and dreams have a strong relationship. the Surrealist movement , in particular, closely paralleled the ideas of our dear friend, Sigmund Freud. Freud would probably ask you who was the the man with the knife - an aggressively sexual vignette just before you are rescued by the mad artist. I am more interested in the number 8 he's about to carve on your arm, which you somehow know because I think the essence of this dream is that YOU KNOW what to do to change your life. 8 is the number of Saturn, which governs your roots, your structure and matters of basic survival. What is at stake here, what you need to escape from, what you are trying to change, is basic stuff. And this takes place at night, next to the railroad on a mountain of clothes, (shed personae?).Your path of transition is not clear, maybe you need to change your outfit? The pretty girl is a bit of a cliche, though the metal bird is a positive symbol. Metal has strength and solidity, yet it has been shaped into something which can soar. Your unconscious feels good about the outcome.Lastly, you choose to have your dream begin in a place which has the words "old" and "end" in its name. I rest my case. We are all artists in here, wherever here happens to be. GOLIGHTLY WITCH
Golightly WITCH
- Sunday, March 05, 2000 at 22:11:38 (GMT)
It was just my father and I and I believe it was the 1800's. I was wearing a long, heavy, working gown. My favorite singer worked for us, as well as, my present-day husband. Only, we were not married in this dream, and it didn't really look like him... Nonetheless...my father and I worked our farm and the two mentioned before were the hired help. I got along beautifully w/my singer friend but argued constantly w/the hubs. One afternoon I was in the barn loft (which is actually my garage) moving hay and had overheard a smart remark from the hubs...I went to the window (all three men were standing there by the wagon laughing as men do at my expense) and called for my husband to come up to me, that I had had enough of him and that we would settle things once and for all and I had unbuttoned my dress from the neck down and flashed him! With that my father and singer person chuckled and went on w/their business. Nervously, the hubs came up to the loft. He was nervous and very apologetic about the remark he had made. When I looked into his face, it was then that I realized (I even woke up at this point and said it aloud) I knew this man from a previous life. He is my present-day husband!!!!!! This blew me away, but I promptly went back to my dream and we made love-he for the first time. I felt very different when I awoke and the dream has stayed w/me since then. I have many revealing dreams, many confusing dreams as well. But this! This was the first dream where I had acknowledged the possibility of a previous life. What does all of this mean? Is this something I should just chalk up to dreams?
Jill <
USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 17:47:38 (GMT)
Jill - As you know the role of women in the 1800's was significantly undermined by prevailing attitudes. In fact it took the destruction of 2 world wars to undo the Victorian structure, a kind of global attempt at homoeostasis. The setting of your dream in this era, harking back to those Westerns when men were tough and women suffered all manner of wrongs nobly and in silence, is at odds with your behaviour in the dream which belongs to a far more liberated time. The 2 men who are your allies, the father and singer, (fantasy object of desire), show no sign of being shocked when you unbutton your dress, because they ARE on your side. the third man, your husband/not husband is drawn magnetically to this display of female power. He wants some. Through his vulnerability and desire you are taken back in time yet again. If all the men were the same man, lets say your husband , maybe there is one part of him you are not clear about.Or maybe the men are all your father, or all you. We can only speculate, but what is more apparant to me is that you are trying to get back to something. What is it?
Sometimes one reaches a stage in one's journey when it feels important to connect to the energy of the ancestors. If you feel yourself as part of a historic process, through having children, losing parents etc, you may also feel a need for the past to inform the present, to know who you were, how you've come to where you are, what you carry in your genetic memory....it is true that through meditation and other practices it is possible to tap into the Field where everything that has ever existed still exists, and this can provide useful insights. But it doesn't do to remain in the domain of the Past for very long - here be dragons. If your husband was with you in a previous life, you may be repeating the relationship because the lessons you each have to learn from being together have not been learnt. Or maybe some other resolution is necessary. You ask "What does all of this mean? Is this something I should just chalk up to dreams"?
As George Bernard Shaw said to me one sunny afternoon as we gazes into the muddy waters of the Liffey and shared a Guiness, "You see things and say'Why". But I dream things that never were and say'Why Not'". Thankyou George. Yours, shoulder to shoulder, MINNIE WITCH
- Thursday, March 30, 2000 at 21:34:30 (BST)
I am driving along an unfamiliar road. I hear screaming. I get out and look down into a very deep ravine. I see two men,but see no woman, just hear her screaming. I yell, I can see you I'm coming down. I am terrified but must continue to help. At that time a police car arrives. I am very relieved. I yell again,the police are here they are coming down,hoping the men will run off and leave the woman be. But I am thinking, they know how far away we are(the police and I).The men look up at me. As I am terrified and the police are there I get in my car. At this point I realize I have had this dream before. I remember in the first dream after leaving the crime scene, stopping to purchase something at a store, when the two men see me, and the rest of the dream is thier pursuit and me having to keep driving and moving so they don't kill me.Now in the second dream, I am about to stop at the same store but tell myself you can't go in there the men will see you. So I drive on still a little afraid but knowing I am safe. Then I wake up for real. I realize I had the same dream twice with different outcomes.*I often have recurring dreams.
Ms. L. Blanchard <
- Monday, May 15, 2000 at 20:41:53 (BST)
To ms L. Blanchard. I think your dream at first indicates a kind of performance anxiety. you are faced with a situation in which you feel you MUST act but you are terrified. Then the law enforcers, the authority figures arrive just in time to relieve you of the burden of action - whether this is to do with apprehension over failure to perform or a warning to avoid reckless behaviour is not clear. Conflict in dreams can refer to any number of different struggles and reflect inner tensions of various kinds - maybe YOU are the woman screaming and don't know how to rescue yourself.
Then things get really interesting as you a) become conscious that you're dreaming and b) change the course of your dream because of it. The fear you experience by being chased is something you need to identify - it is a magnification of the original feeling of powerlessness, first the onlooker, then the quarry. But finally you find the power to change the course of history by NOT STOPPING AT THE STORE - a suitably anti-consumerist message to endear this dream to us all. Regards, Poulene
- Tuesday, June 06, 2000 at 23:07:08 (BST)
...sitting at the kitchen table of a former home with my mother... we look up - at the door is a threatening man... my reaction is to confront the man despite my mother's inclination to run away... at the door it becomes apparent that the man is stalking me.. a murderer... had seen me at a bookstore where I work... there is no where to hide.. I run.. later in the dream... I am walking back towards the house during some twilight hour... I see a strange car in front of the house... and then the same deranged man approaches.. I'm trying to get into an empty house and wake terrified upon realizing that the house offfers no safety. (I have reoccuring dreams similar to this & many more nightmares about tornados).
- Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 19:41:56 (BST)
I was convinced of something that may not have been true,
I was convinced i had been brainwashed...!
But brainwashed by who...?
I was convinced i had not a single clue how this brainwashing goes,
Convinced niether had you...
I guess nobody ever knows.
Lee Canham <
Birmingham, England - Wednesday, July 19, 2000 at 12:11:01 (BST)
Recurring symbol....It's annoying the heck out of me because I can't figure out what it represents!! Every now and again..lately with recurring regularity, I dream I have to go to the loo - always a public loo and there is never any privacy - rather like a men's loo, I guess - there are always other women milling around so I feel embarrassed and I can't go "properly" or I have to rush or I give up and don't go at all. (bit like my life really!) My last 2 dreams have changed slightly. I am alone in this public loo when a cleaning woman enters and demands that I pay 8000 lire for using the facilities which consists of a shower and some other facility as well. I don't have any money on me so there is a moment of panic but I stand my ground and tell her that I was only using the loo and not the other facilities, therefore I shouldn't have to pay and at that point I woke up. The most recent dream I went into a public loo (as always) but this time there was a change - not only was I alone but there was only a single loo and I was able to lock the door - complete privacy at last!!! So, after I'd "done what I had to" (which was very satisfying!), I began to put on some jewellery - earrings and a necklace - and I walked out feeling quite contented....
Any ideas? Great website by the way!
Osimo, Italy - Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 07:36:31 (BST)
Dreamers....if you are anxiously awaiting interpretations of your dreams, our most witchy apologies. We are stuck in various summer realities which require our temporary absence from the forest. Poulene is away conducting a workshop entitled Trolls - The Short Answer. Golightly has gone oyster-catching with a couple of old friends,Walrus and Carpenter, and may be some time due to getting lost in the pages of a dusty old book and Minnie has flown off on her broom-stick to Hollywood to try and land a part in the new Harry Potter movie.( Fat chance - though they may give her a cameo role just to get her to stop playing with the light switches). Please keep checking this page. We'll be back soon.
The 3 Withches
- Monday, July 24, 2000 at 21:58:41 (BST)
Christina - The main conflict in your dream would seem to be that whilst in your home, usually a place of security in dreams; in the kitchen, the centre of nourishment in the home; with your mother, an archetypal figure of care and comfort, you encounter a threat to your survival and have to run for your life. In fact, you say it yourself later - the house is empty and does not offer you protection. Although the man is a threat from OUTSIDE, there is nothing from INSIDE to defend you - the dream symbols of protection are not doing their job. As this is a recurring dream, I suggest you look within yourself to find what it is you feel you are lacking.Is it that you do not feel nourished or supported? Tornados indicate repressed rage or a feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control. Maybe control is another area you need to examine, and maybe you need to investigate how to fulfill your own needs so that you will not suffer when what you depend on for your security lets you down. Enjoy the journey. Regards, POULENE
- Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 12:34:22 (BST)
Lee: You have discovered that conviction and truth are not the same - congratulations.As you humans are constantly being brainwashed by politicians and advertisers, it is worth remembering the words of my old dancing partner, J.Krishnamurti, " The wise man believes in nothing".
MINNIE . P.S. Maybe you also need to get yourself a shower-cap.
- Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 12:45:50 (BST)
SHELLEY - You don't tell us which particular excretory function you keep wanting to perform but Freud equated dreams of defecation with finances - shit is money, or money is shit, (On reflection, I'm not sure which way round that should be). Anyway, this ties up with you not having any money to perform the desired act of expulsion and, in your most recent dream when you do finally succeed, you acquire symbols of wealth, a necklace and earrings. Sounds like you feel you're not getting enough. You are allowing yourself to be inhibited by those around you - maybe they are all living in your head rent-free. Well, start charging now, or kick them out.
Bankably yours, MINNIE
P.S. From Golightly Through The looking Glass. Dear Shelley, Money is only a symbol of energy exchange. It's surprising how the more you give away the more you receive. Abundance is a right , not a privilege. Remember that and you will prosper.
- Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 12:58:44 (BST)
Was pushing a pram through a busy supermarket. Inside the pram was a bale of hay. came to an exit barrier and a girl helped me to direct the pram under the barrier and I walked around, continued pushing pram until i found myself outside building on a bumpy headland overlooking a vast seascape with below me a wide expanse of beach. The sky was blue and it was sunny and windy and it felt good to be there. But I pushed the pram too near to the edge of the cliff and the haybale tipped out and splashed into the water beneath. I remember noticing people behind me being upset at this , but i didnt care that much.
Then there was a roar and I looked up to see a small island, more like a long dark thin reef, no two, moving rapidly like arrows towards the beach and esplanades to my left, then as quickly crashing out again , an earthquake, tidal wave yes all that but different because the rest of the scape seemed stillas calm as before...and then it crashed into the beach to my right and I saw people cascading into the waterlike ants falling off a stick in the fire. Now the eerie thing was that I was as calm as could be and it was as if I watched in a completely detached fashion, knowing it was awe inspiringly tragic but that all then same I could do nothing and had no need to show any reaction.
Michael E
Italy - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 16:32:45 (BST)
I dreampt that a friend gave me a silver butterdish with a downward spout on it and I said, 'What are you giving me that for?!!' and he said 'I just am, don't be so choosy' and I said 'Oh sorry, thanks it is nice.' he smiled and walked off.
Lehla <
- Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 21:18:01 (BST)
For several years i have had this recuring dream involving an animal that I am intreged by. It always takes place in an open landscape with few trees and grassy plains. There is an object that I have a deep attachment to in the fields, I have a sense of where the object is but I don't know what it is, only a dreadful feeling that it is not with me safe. I always go out to retrieve this object but am threatened by wolves. The only way that I can stay safe from the wolves is by climbing onto a rock, and the size does not seem to matter because it would be easy for the wolves to climb onto the rock as well but they don't. When I am on the rock I feel no threat or terror from the wolves and eventually they go away. Over and over again I will attempt to reach the lost object but the wolves never fail to keep me from it. The last time I had this dream the only way I could keep safe from the wolves was by enclosing myself into a room with no open entrances. I was running through a house that was falling apart and slamming any door I came to shut. After I was closed into a room, instead of leaving, they continued to fight to get to me.
melissa <
- Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 01:01:01 (BST)
My husband and I are buying a house from an artist with dyed blonde hair... He is a sculptor and his work is scattered around the garden (large polished priapic stones!!). The house itself is on several levels and the block of land is sloped - on the roof there is a tennis court. The top level is 70's style architect designed - all glass and steel with a huge terrace. The lounge room has a stone fireplace and it is furnished in typical 70's style - shag pile rug etc... However, the downstairs bedrooms are awful -1950's, one with an old built-in wardrobe, the other with dark floor to ceiling shelving crammed with junk, and dark wooden ceiling beams. One of the beams collapses and I begin to panic because I think we have bought a lemon, but it turns out to be polystyrene! The artist is also selling the house with 3 horses who are grazing in the garden. All 3 are rather neglected, one is black , one is cream, and the other is a beautiful miniature horse with a lovely soft coat and long mane - peach coloured! I'm quite happy to look after them. I go back into the lounge and the artist's
parents are sitting there - they are discussing the arrangements for removing their son's belongings...I feel slightly uncomfortable and go outside onto the terrace with my husband and the artist is sitting there. "I'm being kicked out of my home with nowhere else to go!" he says. "Oh", I reply nonchalantly, "You haven't found another place yet? Where are you looking?" "Firth"(???), he replies, "It's near to where I work."
- Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 09:20:53 (BST)
Michael E - We 3 witches had a fight, ( Poulene would prefer to call it a discussion) over who should get to interpret this dream and I won, a) because of my affinity with mice (partly engendered by my long and highly animated friendship with that most magnificent of female role-models, Minnie Mouse ) and b) because of a particularly cunning little spell I cast on Poulene and Golightly which made them believe they were chartered accountants just long enough for me to write this down.As prams usually contain babies i suggest that you are pushing around a metaphorical child or children - a plan, an idea , a creative endeavour, which you don't think much of - nothing more ordinary than a bale of hay is there? This is why you don't care that the pram rolls off the cliff, ( did it fall or was it pushed?), although those around you, who possibly value your talent and creativity more than you do yourself, are upset - maybe because what they see fall into the water is not a bale of hay but.....something more precious. The sea represents the unconscious in dreams - you take your paltry offspring out of the temple of 21st century consumerism, the supermarket, the realm of a thousand choices, ( you have to be shown the way, by a girl, your female side) and find a way to connect it with your unconscious, whilst appearing not to care what is going on, nor to have made a deliberate choice, in other words not taking responsibility. The ensuing scene of destruction is curious. You describe it as both earthquake and tidal-wave, indicative of major life shake-ups and billowing emotional situations. But it only affects other people, below you.You are above it all. You are unscathed. You don't connect. Either you are failing to connect with other people's emotional needs OR you see yourself as an emotional remote, witnessing the upheavels of others but not able or willing to experience such depths of feeling yourself OR you feel that it is dangerous to lose something " in the water", to connect with your unconscious,in case what emerges from the deep is too big for those around you to resist or even survive. On the other hand, if everyone in your dream is you then your unconscious may be expressing a fear you have of letting go of some of your more Yang attributes, ( the right side being our male side) in your journey towards the unconscious.Either way, the fact that this overwhelming event occurs in only one part of your surroundings, which are vast, expansive, with sun and wind, (add these to the sea and the island and you have all Four Elements) suggests you believe that all this uncontrollable feeling can be contained. In what, may I ask? If I were you, I'd come down from that ivory tower and join the earthquake/tidal wave party on the beach. It's happening tonight, at 12, where the forest meets the sea, 3rd dune on the left.Happy times, Mike - MINNIE.PS This could of course be a dream about the hay-bale house that never got built in Tuscany last year. See the Yellow Suns story at www.physikgarden.com/greenhouse.html
- Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 14:35:45 (BST)
PS to the above PS. Minnie has got it wrong, what a surprise. The address for the Yellow Suns story is: www.physikgarden.com/green.html.
- Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 14:48:34 (BST)
Lehla - Silver is symbolically connected with the moon and therefore with qualities of the feminine. A butter dish with a downward spout sounds vaguely like male genitalia to me. Is it that all your dreams are sexual, or just the ones you chooose to share with us in the Dream Box? If this friend is your current live-in lover, then all is well. However if it is someone you have only just met, or a blood-relation, I suggest you contact me privately for a chat, woman-to-witch.
Love Minnie
- Thursday, September 07, 2000 at 15:16:41 (BST)
I was driving down a wide road looking at the large houses on either side - it was difficult to tell where one garden ended and the next began. There was a huge tree in one garden which provided shade to the next 2 or 3 houses.
The road narrowed and became a dirt track with open fields on either side. Here the houses became more attractive and distinctive with beautiful gardens and swimming pools and divisions between them. They were filled with people - families, and there were dogs everywhere - all the same breed, however- some type of hound. I was afraid of running over them but their owners made sure they got out of the way. When I reached the end of the track my car had become a motor scooter and I had come to an intersection with a main road. In my hand I held a $10 bill and I felt a great sense of happiness and freedom at being on my own and being able to go where I wanted and do what I liked. There was a narrow road continuing straight uphill opposite the track which I wanted to explore but further down on the main road there was a constant stream of traffic and I had to wait for a break before I was able to zip across.
At the top of this hill was a large house divided into 2 wings with the road down the middle. At first I thought it was a small village but then realised the road ended at this house. It turned out to be a small museum set up to honor its occupant - Alexandra Bo - a woman from a wealthy family of the last century who had educated herself and gone on to become a writer. I saw a sign advertising it as "The Haunted House" and I didn't want to go inside, partially because I was afraid but also because I couldn't be bothered with "cheap thrills". I later found out it was the title of one of her books! I was wondering around the outside admiring the house when I woke up.
- Friday, September 15, 2000 at 08:34:49 (BST)
Melissa - As Angela Carter said in The Company Of Wolves, "Beware of men who are hairy on the inside". The wolf in European folk-lore is symbolic of the predatory male. Little Red Riding Hood was OK as long as she kept to the path, or in your case a rock. From this perspective, your dream could be to do with sexual insecurities, the lost object representing a part of your sexuality with which you are prevented from connecting. In Native American lore, however, the wolf symbolises a teacher, serene, majestic, a source of sacred wisdom. Sometimes connected to the moon and therefore the feminine, and sometimes a strong male warrior figure. So the "big bad wolf" can be a guide to learning. Its all a matter of perspective. In your last dream the crumbling house, and the continued efforts of the wolves, indicate the fear barriers you have erected are crumbling - this is probably a good thing. The wolves who reside with us here in the forest, although a little frisky at the full moon,and not over-fond of the cats, are graceful reminders to us of our instinctual selves, bold and true. Regards, Poulene
Polulene Witch
- Friday, September 22, 2000 at 12:26:35 (BST)
Susan - After several meetings with our forest design guru, who kept mumbling about "retro" this and "Corbusier" that, and waving his hands in the air like a demented parrot, we've decided to hand this entire dream over to him. Over to you, Al:
DYED BLOND HAIR: A definite no-no unless cropped very short with roots just showing.
LARGE POLISHED PRIAPIC STONES: Perfectly OK in Japanese rock gardens, otherwise questionable.
TENNIS COURT ON ROOF: Potential for major ball-loss and/or fatal accident.
STONE FIREPLACE: Only if there is a glass wall behind it through which one can see the sea.
70'S STYLE: Yawn.
A LEMON: Many culinary uses. Attractive in Yuletide table-arrangements as an alternative to pine-cones.
POLYSTYRENE: Keep away from small children, who will want to eat it.
HORSES: Fantastic, keep the horses, especially the peach-coloured one. This is without question the ONLY acceptable use of the colour peach in a design context.
PARENTS: Rarely approve of your taste in interior decor, criticise the age of your bath-towels and go home after short but tension-filled visit wondering just where they went wrong.
TERRACE: Avoid decking, (so 90's), water features and hanging baskets. Plant Australian Bush Flowers and invest in hugely expensive and rather ugly wind-chimes which nevertheless sound beautiful.
FIRTH: Almost spells thrift, rhymes with dearth, place in Scotland, surname of British actor famous for getting his shirt wet in all the right places in BBC's Pride and Prejudice. Hope this helps. Cheers, AL
- Friday, September 22, 2000 at 13:20:55 (BST)
An immmense Palace!!
I've bought a house blind! it's in Italy. a good friend had spun me a tale about this beautiful palace, an absolute and beautiful bargain i must trust him on and buy NOW!
I trust him and pay him by cash and a cheque.
Then there I am off to see the Palace with this friend and with my friend Jackie. And there it is, perched on a promitory hanging over a cliff edge. Beautiful sky, blue blue sea!! We walk down towards it along rough paths and are bufffted by the wind and Jackie says to me ' So, this is it? It's a disaster. Why on earth did you do this? And I am shocked and say' this can't be it!' and she says 'Of course it is and you knew it and you've known for ages'
We walk closer and enter the ruins. Already I see it's as big as the Parthenon and I am very nervous. We pass a room with no ceiling and there are four or five men there sitting and talking. They are wearing white robes and sit in a circle and turn their heads slowly towards us as we pass. There are vast chambers inside this opened roofed palace and I see inside a friend with horses and in other part there are numerous other people performing a multitude of other activities. Then I hear someone say 'Taxis are not going to come up here anymore and I think 'Heavens how will builders get up here?' and then I panic even more because the cost of rebuilding will be twenty times the price I paid for it. And jackie says ' You knew this , you must have done! How did you get this far?'
And we continue walking around and see more and more beautiful rooms and chambers and we climb up one huge tower and my vertigo kicks in and someone explains to me that this part is a 'dead pigeon table'
Then we are down again at ground level and I am thinking 'this is too much for me . too much. And i think of all the people who will come over and be disappointed with me for being so foolish and then Jackie says' Look , It's OK , you can get out of this, just ask for your money back! And there next to me again is the friend i'd paid the money to and he says 'It's OK of course you can have the money back and you've no need to feel at all embarrased or ashamed about anything and nobody is going to get angry with you.
Italy - Sunday, October 22, 2000 at 19:40:57 (BST)
MARGARET. We know you've waited a long time for this interpretation and we send our apologies, the clearing up after the Equinox party took a little longer than anticipated, and we have only just found the Dream Box under a large pile of leaves, which had fallen whilst we were sorting out the seasonal mayhem in the furthest part of the briar patch. The elves are in disgrace again. However, on to the dream.
The condition of houses in dreams is always significant. In yours they are well-kept, attractive, spacious, affluent. It sounds like you are comfortable with your surroundings. However, your path is clear and as you shed four wheels for two, it is yours alone. You don't wish to engage with any occupants of the houses, nor with their dogs. ( Dogs represent the instinct and as here all the dogs are the same breed this means you view a common humanity around you). Ten dollars and your scooter are enough to sustain you in your journey, you don't need a lot- Your clear sense of direction is what matters most. A museum can symbolise valuable ideas or inner gifts which need to be brought into the world, put on display. It can also relate to material possessions, more probable here. That you didn't want to enter the museum relates back to the earlier part of the dream. Your journey does not involve others nor need material resources to aid its passage. In fact you think houses are haunted, repositories of the past. Alexandra Bo, well who knows. It is an anagram of Axle And Boar which just happens to be the name of a tavern down the hill from our forest, but I'm sure that's a complete coincidence. Wherever your unconscious conjured her name from, she represents the archetype of the Wise Woman, perhaps she is who you are on your journey to becoming, or she could be a guide. At first you mistake wisdom for a "cheap thrill", which is very endearing, something we've all done many times, but you realise your mistake. This woman, who comes from inside you, has much to offer. I think this is a very positive dream and wish you luck. Poulene. Dear Margaret, May I add a few thoughts - the 2nd half of your dream....the house you first think is a village ( a community), split into two, which you come to having left the neighbourhood, the tribe. In terms of the evolution of spiritual consciousness, this direction makes sense, and you will find it in any map of spiritual development. You have travelled from an awareness of the group, a world-centric view, to a simple duality - the next step of course being integrating the two halves into One. With Best Wishes, CoMpatino DE LUXE, Visiting Professor Of Magick,Urban Hillbilly College, and friend to Physik Garden Witches
- Monday, October 23, 2000 at 22:36:26 (BST)
i'm in a very dark house in a den of some sort. a little girl, i think my friend's niece, comes in to get me. i take her hand and she leads me to a bedroom that is very dark and heavy feeling, i can only see two beds pushed together, one smaller than the other. my little cousin (maybe 5 in the dream) is on the smaller bed which is dark with moisture. my aunt, her mother, is on the other bed and asks me to help, because the cousin has some huge blister like think on her face and down her neck, with a small black spot in the center, like a whole where it has been drained before. the moisture on the bed is actually the pus my cousin's malady. i reach out to the cousin (jesus-like) to heal her and the blister explodes disgustingly and liquid gets on everything including myself. my aunt then lays my cousin down and begins pouring iodine on the wound, but i tell her to stop and explain to her that it is the cause of all the problems and she must just let the wound heal without intervention...that's it, interested in ideas this is one of the rare dreams i remember
michael <
chapel hill, nc usa - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 18:46:36 (GMT)
i enjoyed my walk in other peoples dream. but it is difficult for me to tell your own dreams in another langague. you know what i mean.
i send viele, viele gruesse to the witches.
- Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 22:30:03 (GMT)
I am in the backyard and there is a strong wind blowing. The washing on the line - including a window frame (?!), is being blown about but remains in place. I look up and I see an entire load of somebody else's laundry still attached to the line being tossed high into the sky by the wind. It lands in my yard. I notice how new all the clothing is and think I must try to track down the owner who must be upset about having lost such new things. I search on the computer and find the owner - a woman who happens to be a member of the Financial Police. I woke up before I could return her laundry!
Leeds, - Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 07:53:36 (GMT)
Michael from Italy- Interesting how often houses feature in recent dream offerings in the Box, but understandable if one assumes that their main symbolic function is as a representation of the inner life of the dreamer. In the case of your dream, the mention of a context is unavoidable as news has reached us via raven-mail of your impending move to Le Marche, a land steeped in the history of magic and the ancient craft of wizardry. A superficial reading, therefore, would be to do with your anxiety concerning this big change in your life, are you doing the right thing etc - but looking deeper I feel that this dream has more to do with trust and betrayal, and your tour of the building, with the accompanying mounting dismay, could be a review of your life...Jackie asks, " How did you get this far"? Good question - how did you let yourself be misled, led astray, was it that you just didn't think, was it naivete, have you been too trusting,where is the roof - the protective covering for the rooms of your life. It's missing, how did you let that happen and so on and so on. Big questions you are asking yourself. Alternatively, the immense palace, with its many populated rooms, could represent the various aspects of your consciousness, your mind - and all the people and activities therein, the different mental and emotional processes. The emotions you are most aware of in the dream are shock, panic and embarrasment, with a tinge of vertigo ....but look what happens, you are allowed to CHANGE YOUR MIND, you give yourself permission through the other characters, ( probable super-ego figures) to say OK I made a (few) mistake(s).Everyone makes mistakes, even witches ( tho very occasionally) and they are effective devices for reminding us to be humble.You have the power of choice - but remember, along with choice comes responsibility. A good dream, I feel Not a dream about stuckness but about freedom.
As our esteemed friend Albert Einstein happened to say the other morning, while dipping his toast into a soft-boiled dodo's egg, ( one of Poulene's specialities), and wiping the drips from his chin, "Time and space are concepts in which we think, not circumstances in which we live". Confusion comes when we fail to differentiate between our interior experience and what is the here-and-now external reality. Dreams are a way of bring coherence to this confusion. The entire forest sends you are heartiest wishes for a smooth move. Yours, Golightly.
- Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 22:10:19 (GMT)
Michael from Italy- Interesting how often houses feature in recent dream offerings in the Box, but understandable if one assumes that their main symbolic function is as a representation of the inner life of the dreamer. In the case of your dream, the mention of a context is unavoidable as news has reached us via raven-mail of your impending move to Le Marche, a land steeped in the history of magic and the ancient craft of wizardry. A superficial reading, therefore, would be to do with your anxiety concerning this big change in your life, are you doing the right thing etc - but looking deeper I feel that this dream has more to do with trust and betrayal, and your tour of the building, with the accompanying mounting dismay, could be a review of your life...Jackie asks, " How did you get this far"? Good question - how did you let yourself be misled, led astray, was it that you just didn't think, was it naivete, have you been too trusting,where is the roof - the protective covering for the rooms of your life. It's missing, how did you let that happen and so on and so on. Big questions you are asking yourself. Alternatively, the immense palace, with its many populated rooms, could represent the various aspects of your consciousness, your mind - and all the people and activities therein, the different mental and emotional processes. The emotions you are most aware of in the dream are shock, panic and embarrasment, with a tinge of vertigo ....but look what happens, you are allowed to CHANGE YOUR MIND, you give yourself permission through the other characters, ( probable super-ego figures) to say OK I made a (few) mistake(s).Everyone makes mistakes, even witches ( tho very occasionally) and they are effective devices for reminding us to be humble.You have the power of choice - but remember, along with choice comes responsibility. A good dream, I feel Not a dream about stuckness but about freedom.
As our esteemed friend Albert Einstein happened to say the other morning, while dipping his toast into a soft-boiled dodo's egg, ( one of Poulene's specialities), and wiping the drips from his chin, "Time and space are concepts in which we think, not circumstances in which we live". Confusion comes when we fail to differentiate between our interior experience and what is the here-and-now external reality. Dreams are a way of bring coherence to this confusion. The entire forest sends you are heartiest wishes for a smooth move. Yours, Golightly.
- Wednesday, November 22, 2000 at 22:12:25 (GMT)
Dreamers - Since Golightly's delayed return from her summer oyster-catching trip (and we still haven't found out exactly WHAT kept her so long, though we suspect the carpenter may be implicated in some unsavoury way....I do think a witch of her magnificently advanced age, 9 centuries at the last count, should be above a summer romance , don't you?), since her return she has been insufferably cocky, if you'll excuse the pun, and struts around the forest issuing orders to elves and ogres alike with no regard for the hierarchical subtleties which ensure a contented workforce; demanding extra helpings of nightshade syrup, ( she says it's for her complexion but we all think she's warty enough actually); refusing to allow anyone else to win at frontgammon, and generally behaving with an uncharacteristic arrogance which does not suit any of us, least of all her. We've tried spells of course, but Golightly, being the Mother of all witches, (in this neck of the woods anyway), has managed to deflect all our attempts with her great powers.We've also tried to keep her away from the Dream Box altogether, distracting her with various cheap ruses as we feared her delusions of grandeur might warp any interpretative skills she has left. Unfortunately she eluded us last night and crept away with the Box while we were doing a little flood-damage-limitation in the boggiest end of the lower pastures, and although her interpretation of Michael's dream illustrates that she has in fact still got all her brilliance intact, which is a relief to us all , we noticed this morning that she just couldn't resist making sure we all read it by placing it in the Box TWICE. Poulene suggested we call on Chief Magus Hoteye for a swift removal of any trace of said interpretation but, knowing he's very busy just now trying singlehandedly to divert the floods from the Southern hemisphere and repair the hole in the ozone layer, (good on yer, cobber), we decided to do the indecent thing and bring this distasteful matter to your attention in the hope that we may embarrass Golightly into discarding this thoughtless persona which has been grafted on to her by the effects of too many oysters and whatever else she got up to on that distant shore.If this fails we have one more idea left, as December looms, which is of course to threaten to burn her christmas-present list before she gets a chance to send it up the chimney herself. Tough love? You could call it that but in all honesty there's only room for one rude, arrogant and deluded witch in this forest - and that's me. Cheers m'dears.
- Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 21:48:24 (GMT)
I had this dream several years ago...
I am visiting a friend who has a small daughter about 7 years' old (in reality she doesn't have a daughter). Her house from the outside resembles a shoe box - in an ugly complex of apartments with small windows. Inside there is a a labyrinth of small, dark rooms, one room leading directly into another without corridors, and with piles of old furniture stacked haphazardly in the corners. We leave these rooms and enter into a corridor. At the end to the right there is the bathroom, which is in a sad state of disrepair like the rest of the house, with the shower sunk below the floor level and filled with broken tiles, but around the corner to the left, we enter a large room with huge windows and lots of light, where they actually live, which is both bedroom and living room. This room is richly furnished with a huge bed, armchairs, antiques, rugs etc. On the far wall there is a beautiful bureau with a number of small drawers. My friend opens one of them and it is lined with blue silk brocade. Inside there is a silver scarab beetle. I am both fascinated and repulsed (I loathe bugs of any sort!) by its colour and impressive size. It's time for me to leave and as I open the front door a dragon fly enters - and loathing bugs the way I do, I attempt to shoo it away with a purple balloon in my hand! My friend offers me a lift home which I gladly accept, and I am surprised that she drives a big, expensive, white car. I wonder how she can afford it, being a single mum on unemployment benefits.... (in reality she has an excellent job, and drives an old bomb!)
- Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 08:10:14 (GMT)
To Michael From Chapel Hill .....Very Dark House = Unconscious. Little Cousin = You as a child. Aunt = Mother. Huge Blister = Something from your childhood which needs healing. You, (Jesus-like) = The archetype of the Wounded Healer come to heal yourself, (you are touched by the pus).
Your belief that the wound should be allowed to heal instead of being medicated = Full marks from the Physik Garden Healing Room posse. With best wishes from Touchtone, Chief Elf/ Dream Box Trainee.
- Monday, December 04, 2000 at 14:43:06 (GMT)
But Minnie,
If I change my mind, won't people get cross?
Italy - Friday, December 15, 2000 at 13:40:35 (GMT)
Yes, Mickey, they probably will - but so what? If Jung had worried about that when he broke with Freud, amid accusations of a kind of metaphorical patricide, we would never have had to put up with his theory of the collective unconscious.Did Beethoven wait for Gregory Peck? Your perogative as a human is to change/evolve, and the capacity to adapt to change is a measure of health. As someone or other once said, Learn the rules so that you can break them properly. - Love MINNIE
- Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 14:45:48 (GMT)
To KERRI _ This is a dream about identity - a favourite subject of ours here in the forest where we shape-shift for fun, especially on slow Saturday nights when we've run out of Hogsteeth Wine and Minnie's got the car.. Strong wind represents either turmoil in your life, or a symbolic expression of the energy available to you for launching into new directions. I think the latter fits better here. Although all your current laundry ( clothing representing your persona) is relatively stable and even as transparant as a window-frame, a new possibility blows your way, but attached to a preconceived identity -being the sting in the tail.You don't say what you feel when you learn about the Financial Police. This could evoke terror or admiration,guilt or a job application - The obvious question, Do you have money worries? If so try and think of money as a flow of energy. I used the word "current" earlier....it is not by chance that we refer to money as "currency" and the flow of electrical energy as a "current". If you have no money worries, nor contemplating a new identity/job/location etc then I suggest you figure out who this other woman represents in terms of your inner life. She's part of you. regards. Poulene Witch
- Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 15:10:17 (GMT)
I am with my mother in a foreign country. It is night and there is a war on. We are in the street and shells are falling nearby as we are heading towards our apartment. In the distance the sky is lit up with shellfire and I hear someone say that they are bombing Karachi(never been to Pakistan!). We make it back to our apartment which is a luxurious penthouse furnished in 40's style. I hear a noise and look out of the window. Two men and a woman wearing spacesuits are straddling something that looks like a missile. One of the men approaches - a James Bond type - devastatingly handsome and oozing charm. They are here on an espionage mission to assassinate one of our neighbours - a man I don't know at all. My mother is most impressed with him, as am I. He is immediately attracted to me and invites me to have dinner with him after he has completed his mission. The fact that he is a ruthless killer doesn't bother me in the least! He enters the neighbour's apartment by way of our balcony. After killing the man he returns to take me out. It's all very clandestine - we climb over the balcony and down into the garden and over a wall and we're off into the night. The sky in the distance is lit up and I tell him that they are bombing the Nile. We come to a street filled with expensive restaurants - all French, and as I am reading the menu aloud he puts his arms around me from behind and whispers into my ear "viens de savoir" (at least that's what it sounded like - I studied French years ago but have forgotten practically everything.) in a very seductive tone which sends shivers up my spine! I turn to face him and as I look at him the only thing I can think of is that I want to have a child with this man - the desire is so strong that I have no thought of the war or of the future - only of the present moment.
- Friday, December 22, 2000 at 07:58:37 (GMT)
MARINA - Again, our apologies for keeping you waiting so long for a dream interpretation. With Golightly still out of her tree, ( literally! She's now nesting inside the coal-scuttle having trans-mortified herself into a red-hot poker - turns out she thought carbon-dating meant an assignation with a lump of coal. Her embers are still glowing with embarrasment and she's scuttled (ha ha) off to hide), we're very short-staffed here in the Dream Box. However, your dream was relished by every one of us forest-dwellers, despite the emphasis at the beginning on the rooms/house which seems to have become a tedious fashion among you Physik Garden dreamers lately. If a house represents the inner life of the dreamer, then a drawer is the innermost part of that interior. As you have conjured up a girl child at the age of 7,( a mystical number and, in terms of human development the end of the first stage of being), lets assume this is somehow connected to your childhood and lets also assume that your friend too represents a part of yourself, a part who wants to show you something. What lies in the drawer simultaneously repulses and fascinates you - you are ambivalent about accepting this information. Silver, as well as being precious, symbolises the feminine lunar aspect so perhaps this beetle represents another part of yourself, something which you have feared since childhood, but now having travelled through the dilapidated mess of you inner world, you are ready, or almost ready to receive a precious truth about yourself. Then another insect appears, flying . Insects and birds inhabit the air, ( and witches and their familiars too , of course0. The air element is associated with the lungs and the heart but also something flying in a dream can denote a spiritual experience, and as try and swat it with a purple balloon, and as purple is the colour of the crown chakra and therefore to do with spiritual matters - I syuggest this truth is of a spiritual nature. You ride home in something akin to a chariot - which has not required paying for - you, or the part of yourself represented by your friend, are full of surprises, you have wealth - a good outcome. Fear of knowing something, resistance, is o.k. up to a point but if something with wings is beating against the door of your conscious mind, you can be sure it won't go away until you admit it entry. As you had this dream several years ago, you may now know what I'm talking about. Regards MINNIE P.S. From CoMpatino DE LUXE: Dear Marina, Please check out Jung's story of the scarab beetle, if you don't know it. You can probably find it in Memories, Dreams, Reflections.As well I will mention, The Scarab - although a mere dung beetle to some, was revered by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of resurrection. This has some link to Minnie's little theory that this is a spiritually driven dream. Yours, CoMpatino.
- Monday, January 22, 2001 at 16:36:16 (GMT)
Tiina - It is often said, particularly loudly by our friends who follow the teachings of Freud - and in fact by Sigmund himself almost every time he drops by the forest to borrow a few pipe-cleaners or some polish for his statues - that there are only 2 really important themes in the realm of mortals, sex and death, the consequences of which are guilt and fear. In your dream, sex and death are embodied in the same figure, suggesting a catholic upbringing during which you read too many Ian Fleming novels, probabvly passed on to you by your depressed, pimply second cousin as he cleared his bookshelves on his way to college.This tubercular romanticism, in which sex and death are entertwined, illustrates the cultural shift which has taken place around you - romance is the new religion, and your erotic longing comes from a need to "viens de savoir", to come and know. "Come", here , probably has a double meaning, don't you think.
Stealthily Yours, MINNIE WITCH
- Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 21:30:06 (GMT)
I am in Singapore on holiday with my husband visiting a museum of modern art and a guide is showing us around. He is telling us that all of the paintings are worth a fortune, even though the artists are unheard of outside of Asia. I am thinking it's amazing how much people are willing to pay for a load of rubbish - I see nothing exceptional or original. At some point he hands me a cassette tape (unlike a normal cassette tape, it resembles a roll of film or perhaps a battery - the latest technology?) of typical Asian music and I put it on (there is a stereo system)to listen to it. I am really taken with one piece of music and suddenly the gallery space becomes a stage. I am alone in the spotlight and I begin to choreograph a dance. I am naked but it feels natural and I can move with ease and with amazing strength and flexibility. The image fades and I am in the gallery again. I tell my husband I would like to borrow the tape as it inspires me to choreograph something. On the way out my husband asks the guide if it's possible to borrow it and he tells us he can order another tape immediately which we can collect later the same day. I leave feeling really pleased and impressed by his efficiency and helpfulness.
P.S Dear Witches, I submitted a dream last year (September 15) and this seems to be along similar lines but is becoming more specific - ie. a particular talent which needs to be developed....would appreciate your esoteric knowledge to aid me on my journey...
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:45:30 (GMT)
I dreamt that I was in my bathroom at home and was undressing to take a shower. When I finished the shower, I pulled back the curtain to discover a pair of jeans about 2 and-a-half feet high and completely stuffed like a pillow. When I picked them up from their standing position, all of the "stuffing" fell out and was composed of miniature pairs of identical jeans about 2 inches in height. Inside each of the left rear pocket was a slip of paper with the inscription "56L" I awoke at this moment.
butterscotch <
Minneapolis, MN USA - Monday, February 05, 2001 at 16:04:56 (GMT)
Margaret - The link between creativity and dreams is well-known and, in traditional societies and witches lairs, artistic inspiration and spiritual revealation are dual aspects of the same dream experience. "...a particular talent which needs to be developed"? Well, it would be nice to know if you are a dancer in your waking hours, or if dancing is completely foreign to you. Dancing is a many-faceted symbol. Depending on the type of movement it can mean sex and romance, freedom from constraint, participation in the energy of life, frivolity, gracefulness, group cooperation, and so on. Your dance, one of strength, flexibility and nakedness may be a metaphor for another talent you have, ( if so please let us know what), or an expression of a more general feeling of ease, perhaps connecting with some Asian ancestry or memory from the collective pool. I would like to point out, respectfully, that your initial reaction to the paintings, to reject them as worthless is similar to your reaction in the previous dream, when you couldn't be bothered with "cheap thrills" - altho you say yourself that you were also afraid.
knee-jerk reactions, especially to do with rejecting something, tend to be reflections of an inner fear. If you can acknowledge the feeling and then let it go on its way, you discover that what you initially reject often has a meaning and value which you really need. The fear is fear of change. Hope this helps. Regards, Poulene.
- Monday, February 12, 2001 at 15:11:35 (GMT)
I have dreamed every night that i had a car accident, but I could go out of the car by myself. Then an strange man killed me with a gun. I didn´t know thw man. Could you tell me something?
USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 23:33:04 (GMT)
I had a dream yesterday, that I was trying to make it with this beautiful girl, who wore a white shirt, jean shorts and fishnet stockings, accompanied by combat boots. we were in my living room, and i was trying to kill this huge moth, for my father. (who wanted to study it) upon knocking it to the floor, i attempted to smother it, so that i could preserve its shape. lifting the pillow, i discover its actually a tiny little person with moth wings, and now i've crushed it. the girl im trying to make it with is really upset with me, and takes this 'moth' and wraps it some type of muslin cloth, and tries to comfort it. shes tells me its a genetic experiment, and they are some sort of freak accident. people are trying to kill them, because they think they are moths. she points out that they have little gold wires going from thier head to thier wings. (?) the little moth thing is wearing clothes, blue shirt and green pants. very wierd dream. left me extremely off balance when i woke up.
Traci <
Denver,, Colorado USA - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 10:19:45 (GMT)
Here we go again! Another museum dream (re 15 Sept,2000 and 3 Feb, 2001) Visiting a museum/house which belonged to an unconventional person - a male this time (of wealthy origins as in September dream) - an artist of some sort who didn't believe that things of value and beauty needed to be kept locked away and treated with kid gloves - that they should be used and enjoyed by everybody without considering their material worth. In fact, there are a couple of kids throwing a small rubber ball around inside the museum and nobody seems to mind. There are 2 huge sculptures of male figures lying stretched out in the reception hall of the house (in this case, mansion is more apt) which are used as seating. To one side there is a round dining table set with porcelain, glassware and cutlery dating from different periods. I approach the table and there is a museum custodian (who has just managed to deflect the rubber ball thrown by the kids!) standing nearby. I pick up a pretty etched wine glass which I think is from the 1930's, instead the custodian tells me it is from the late 1800's - much more valuable than I thought, so I gingerly replace it on the table and at this point I woke up.
- Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 08:11:26 (GMT)
well it is someething that seems to happen most nights before I drop off. Ever since I can remember actually.I jump on to a trapese, my two hands hit the wooden bar and I start flying through the air, normally judging on my state of my state of mind the flights are different, sometimes the trapese has razors on it, sometimes I just fly through the air going from one trapeze to the other like in a circus act. I did trapese once and I was actually pretty bad at it....hmmm???As for last nights dream it was about being on stage but thta makes sense right now but as for the trapeze any ideas???
lehla <
- Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 13:27:43 (GMT)
I dreamt I was challenged to a game of ping pong by a male TV personality. However, after I agreed, I found out that one of the paddles was missing and I had to play with a nail file!!!
- Monday, March 19, 2001 at 07:21:49 (GMT)
BUTTERSCOTCH - Clothing in dreams usually represent the persona, and legs are symbolic of movement/travel. Put these together and I would say that your perception of your capacity for movement is being hampered by some false idea which has knocked the stuffing out of you - the power has become de-concentrated - and you need to consider whether you can feel a corresponding sense of weakness in your lower back and/or legs when awake. If so, I recommend Tai chi classes immediately, and some meditative time focusing on the area around the base of your spine. This area houses your stability which allows freedom of movement. 56L? I asked around but no-one had any bright ideas, apart from one of the Hoodwinked Ravens who thought it might be the answer to the question - what size is a witch's head? Saturn rules the base chakra, the area of the body I have been talking about...56 years is the age at which Saturn returns in your astrological chart. This is a time of change and an opportunity to deal with issues which have been hanging around for a long time.The significance of 56L could be, well your guess is as good as mine. Unfortunately, I can't sit around all day playing number games....here in the forest, the Number Devils visit themselves upon us with tedious regularity, insisting we join them for a little 4 Dimensional geometry over a cup of shinweed soup, or brandishing challenges in the form of calcified calculi which have to be broken down and changed into hard currency. Despite the fact that the Devils are ferocious cheats, we usually win, due to our constitutional superiority to reason - tho we have occasionally had to set the ogres on them when it looked dangerously as if logic would prevail.
- Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 14:56:32 (GMT)
I am sent an invitation to dinner with a shoemaker (a young boy of about 18 with an "alternative" to the current style of shoes) and his older sister. I thought it was only a general public invitation to launch their business, instead, it was only me and I was invited to be involved in the partnership. However, there were problems with the shoes which needed to be "ironed out". The right shoe fitted like a glove, looked good, and was very comfortable. However, there were problems with the left shoe. My left foot was weaker than my right and I found that I could not stand properly because of the way the shoe was made and it was also stiff and inflexible. Later, after the meeting, I called him back to tell him what needed to be done to alter the shoe to fit and I suggested that we meet again so I could explain in detail. I could picture myself modelling the shoes (using only my good foot!) and as a general PR person for the business.....a case of - "if the shoe fits...."?!!!
Hamburg, Germany - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 11:27:20 (BST)
Dear Dreamers. The 3 witches are still away on a cosmic egg hunt, which doesn't take place just around Easter but lasts from march till april due to its inter-galactic nature and route. It only happens every hundred years, so I've never been left in charge before as I'm to young. Keep the dreams coming and I'll try to keep the other elves from raiding the Dream Box to look for dressing-up clothes, until my mothers return.Sinserely Yrs, TOUCJTONE
- Monday, April 09, 2001 at 22:31:01 (BST)
i'm in a city that i've never been to before - i go to a large indoor public swimming pool. while my head is above water i am the only person in the pool - but whenever i dive under there are hundreds of other people, i can just see their bottom halves under the water, each time i come back up the pool is empty. i meet a young boy and we're messing around, diving under the water and swimming in between the legs of the other people, we are wearing coloured wrist bands and i snatch his off while we're playing but as soon as i do the atmosphere changes. the boy gets out of the pool and jumps through a large glass window to his death. a man appears beside me and tells me that if a persons wrist band is removed they must end their lives - i am over come with guilt and disbelief that i wasn't told about something so important.
sheffield, uk - Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 17:01:53 (BST)
are all you witches sleeping.....???
Lehla <
- Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at 16:04:25 (BST)
We're back, and no, Lehla, we haven't slept much. After the Cosmic Egg Hunt, during which we narrowly missed being beaten by a Cosmic Egg Whisk which seemed to have it in for any flying creature not made entirely out of metal, we travelled back to the Forest and just as we were passing India the Egg, our trophy, tumbled from Poulene's broomstick and we followed it down, getting tangled in a billowing curtain of time enroute,and landed in the middle of the war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the story of which you may know as the Mahabharata - a long and complicated tale from which we tried to escape several times. Having been obliged, for the sake of politeness really, to take part in several interminable sacrificial rituals involving white horses and kings, and all those names to remember, we finally bolted for the 21st C. We then realised that, even for witches, it had been hard going and we needed some quality leisure time. Golightly travelled South to see her hat-maker - she's hankering after a really, really pointy one this time. Poulene took the Elves for a skiing trip to Mars as they'd been particularly well-behaved in our absence with only the northern end of the forest having burnt down and the ogres who hadn't actually fled hiding unsuccessfully in the wild strawberry beds, crying "No more tickling games, please. No more". And Minnie joined the R.E.M. tour, in Brazil - at a distance of several hundred feet in the air of course, as she didn't have a ticket. She now knows all the words to the new album and unfortunately seranades us constantly with one catchy little ditty after another, in between looking soulfully at her very creased pin-up of Michael Stipe which she's nailed to the Great Oak alongside her Noam Chomsky decal.Well that's the news, and on with the dreams.
The 3 Witches
TO LAURA. If you haven't given up looking for a reply, here it is. Car dreams can indicate self-control worries, the car symbolising the self and, depending on your position in the car, whether you feel in control or that you are being driven through life by others.That your journey is so recurringly interrupted and that you are killed suggests a crisis in your life to do with this area of control. If you are still having this dream, consider where and when it is that you don't feel you are in the drivers seat.
Poulene Witch.
- Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 23:12:42 (BST)
TO TRACI - Moths live in darkness but are attracted by light - an answer to a problem you feel in the dark about may be being brought into the light. Coming illumination, gold wires from the head. I think this is a spiritual dream.Trying to catch something to give to your father...could that be a patriarch in the religious sense? Are you moving from one level of consciousness to another, or changing beliefs?
Golightly Witch
Golightly Witch
- Saturday, June 02, 2001 at 23:22:45 (BST)
MARGARET - Hello again. Another museum dream. . You seem to be needing to make value judgements, and getting it wrong, quite often in your dreams. What is this telling you. And why are your judgements always to do with inanimate objects, even some of the humans in your 3rd dream have been rendered into sculptures. The artist in the dream, ( the artist in you?) is far more relaxed about issues of worth. Maybe this is the voice you should be listening to. When you've lived as many centuries as we have things become more pleasurable by their total absence. A broom, a glass of hogsteeth wine, and a wisteria in bloom is just about all I need these days to have a rockin good time.
Regards, Poulene
- Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 21:31:13 (BST)
LEHLA - Dreams of flying through the air are among the most common of dream experiences so its odd that this is , I think, the first flying dream to appear in the Box.The metaphysicians would have us believe that the soul travels during sleep, unencumbered by gravity, and that this experience is remembered as a dream. The jury is still out on the psychoanalytical explanation, and whenever we can get Freud , Jung and Adler together at one of our full-moon wine and cheese dos, and, after a spot of Shinweed claret and a dollop of gruyere, bring the subject round to flying, ( it almost goes without saying that, being witches, its a subject tres close to our hearts), the air gets very heated....Sigmund insists, unsurprisingly, that flying in dreams represents sexual desire; Alfred persists in his theory that flying demonstrates a desire to dominate others, and Carl Gustav resists both these ideas and says it concerns the dreamer's desire to break free of restrictions. Well, in the light of your previous entries in the Dream Box, I'd put my money on Freud but for the fact that you're flying as an acrobat and there are sometimes razor-blades on the trapeze. This makes me inclined to view your particular flying experiences as being more about "rising above", having mastered the art, and despite severe obstacles. Of course, the Activation-Synthesists would have us believe that during R.E.M. ( good, I finally managed to slip that in somewhere), the electrical activity in our brain sends impulses to the higher mental centres in the form of random images and sensations. These are then made coherent, by the brain's need to make order out of chaos, and create a narrative structure. Therefore, dreams mean, in a word, nothing and it is not hard to see the appeal of this theory after the 3 Psychoanalysts have left and theres all the clearing up to do.However, I can safely say that we must ultimately view it as being complete hogwash, as it does not explain the existence of dreams during non R.E.M.( there, I did it again),sleep. Sorry for the wait. Hope you're cooking something good up for us out there in the Bush. Yours MINNIEx
- Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 22:01:17 (BST)
SURINDA - Games appearing in a dream may show relaxation or competition, I think the latter in this case. They are a vehicle for us to explore feelings of competence and inadequacy. These feelings usually stem from childhood.A nailfile is something used to blunt our claws, symbolically to curb the aggressive aspects of our natures, so being expected to play a game of ping-pong ( that phrase in itself could take me down a whole new avenue of thought...), to compete, with such an instrument suggests that you are not comfortable with the more competitive side of your nature OR that you feel thwarted in your attempts to play the game. AS Dr Phil says, you either get it or you don't. If you get it you can win, if you don't get it you inevitably lose.Presumably you feel a male TV personality is in a better position to "get it" than yourself. Well, I dispute that thought and invite you to change it for something more likely to increase your chances of winning.
Good Luck. Poulene.
- Saturday, June 16, 2001 at 22:48:42 (BST)
The first man I met, told me that our Political Party was
would only be given ONE seat to contest. But the second person, I met told me that we(our party)would be given SEVEN seats to contest.
This dreamt of mine, was some time ago.
Thanks and best regards.
Cyril P. Yansalang <
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia. - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 08:16:33 (BST)
The first man I met, told me that our Political Party
would only be given ONE seat to contest. But the second person, I met told me that we(our party)would be given SEVEN seats to contest.
This dreamt of mine, was some time ago.
Thanks and best regards.
Cyril P. Yansalang <
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia. - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 08:17:47 (BST)
Ilke - you are almost there with "if the shoe fits"...to dream of shoes evokes that old cliche because it concerns the dreamer coming to terms with who they are in the world.Your left side, the side of receptivity, intuition, is weaker than your right, the side of action and issuing .your standing in the world would seem to rely more on your Yang , male attributes than on your more subtle secret dark female ones. I'm a bit worried that you are prepared in the dream to just use the good foot for modelling, the right side here would correspond to a job such as PR, what's going to happen to the left one? .
Golightly Witch
- Friday, June 22, 2001 at 22:09:45 (BST)
LORRI - bodies of water are representative of the unconscious, the emotions and birth.Keeping your head above water means being on your own in this dream, a curious connection , but following the birth line of thought, the dramatic death may symbolise a rebirth too.You've been kept in the dark, (didn't know about the wristband rule) in the watery womb, and are suddenly made aware of this, born into the light of awareness. Guilt and disbelief are also curiously contrasting emotions. Guilt is strictly never a good idea, especially if it is to do with lack of knowledge, and not knowing the rules,in this case provoking tragedy, is a fear you may have while your awake.The hundreds of people under the water are the many parts of yourself dwelling in your unconscious , looking for integration. Your ego sits lonely above the water. A perfect image really of what we talk about all the time in the Dream Box. GOLIGHTLY
Golightly WITCH
- Sunday, June 24, 2001 at 22:14:17 (BST)
Cyril - The entire forest clamoured to be allowed to respond to this dream, due to it being the first dream ever in the Box to mention politics, ( do any of you out there have a political awareness at all I sometimes wonder), with the Hoodwinked Ravens being the most compelling in their discourse as to their eligibility as dream interpreters, challenged strongly by the owls who planned a coalition with the ogres, ( I couldn't see it happening really, but it was an interesting idea) and the elves and wolves forming a dubious alliance in the kitchen, ( but I think that was to raid the chocolate frog jar while everyone else was too busy arguing to notice) but in the end I beat them all back with my big stick rather in the manner of a tyrannical despot, (my days with Genghis were not wasted after all), and divesting myself of this unwholesome atmosphere of petty rivalry and blatant distortion of the facts etc etc would just like to say that your dream , tho short, contains two numbers of great significance to spiritual travellers everywhere. Beyond the realm of politics, many maps of humanity contain seven parts, even the Physik Garden.The one becoming seven in your dream is very reminiscent of this Ken Wilber said that in order to understand anything it is essential to grasp three concepts, they are creativity; one; many. I will leave you with that thought and also remind you that politics is a struggle for power whereas true invincibility lies in defencelessness. If you don't have a position to defend you cannot be attacked - MINNIE
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 22:05:58 (BST)
These are dreams I had a few nights apart from each other; the second being a continuation of the first.
In the first dream I am invited to play a board game by an old man and 2 women. It is similar to chess but a roll of the die determines the number of playing pieces and the order of turn. I have no idea of the rules and noone bothers to explain them to me, however, it seems I have incredible luck with the first roll of the die - a double 3 - and win loads of playing pieces - more than anyone else - but I have no idea where to place the pieces on the board. It is the old man's turn and he is immediately able to remove several of my pieces and places what is equivalent to a king at my end of the board. I throw the die again and this time I cannot see the numbers clearly - I think I have another lucky throw - a double 1 - not quite as lucky as the first - but I hesitate and feel I may be cheating without being sure of the number and so I admit to a less valuable number. Before I can move, the woman sitting to my left knocks all of my pieces astray - I suspect deliberately - so I have no way of knowing where my pieces had been or which way to move. At this point I have had enough and refuse to play any longer.
In the second dream I am strolling with a friend through a market. We come across a group of old men playing the same board game and again we are invited to join - still not knowing the rules! My friend throws the die and although the throw doesn't seem quite so lucky we have enough pieces and it is immediately our turn to move so we have an advantage which I didn't have the last time. This time our opponent suggests a move, however, a bystander explains that the most valuable piece - worth 9 - will be left exposed
and can be taken and he suggests a different move. I advise my friend to take the bystander's advice and our opponent is put out - obviously it is the right move! The pieces in this game are empty "shot" glasses and after we make this move they are filled to the top.
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 09:06:58 (BST)
SANDRA - As the dog days of August draw to a close, I think of St Augustine who once wrote, " I thank thee, Lord, that Thou didst not make me responsible for my dreams". I think of the dog in question, Sirius, the Dog Star, to whom was attributed the heat of August, a month in which dogs and people often succumb to a form of madness, or at least lose their cool, especially when going out in the midday sun. I also think of the Roman emperor, Augustus, who insisted that "his" month have one day more than July, the month of Julius Caeser, and stole it from February thereby ruining what was until then a fairly good attempt at symmetrical flow, calendar-wise, ( perhaps we should rename this month, the Month of Monstrous Ego and Imperial Vanity). and when I think of symmetry, I think of the Number Devils, who have not been answering the call I put out to them 4 long weeks ago, to help me interpret your very complicated dream. However, word has just arrived via a passing logarithm that they are embroiled in a particularly intense game of magnetic hop-scotch taking place on both sides of the Empire State building, and cannot get down again until the humidity drops enough for their parachutes to open, ( no it didn't make sense to me either). Here in the forest, we are all too languid to even think about being clever, tho the owls, ( who just can't help being clever all the time) did suggest you try and rush through the copyright on the game in order to get it in the shops by Christmas. MINNIE.
- Friday, August 31, 2001 at 10:36:43 (BST)
I didn't realise the dream was so complicated!!! I guess it has to do with major life changes and the current outcome could be better than I expect but the details are what I'm lacking....
- Monday, September 03, 2001 at 08:04:49 (BST)
Have discovered that the numbers 33 and 11 are master numbers in numerology which seems to make some sense to me when applied to my dream!
- Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 07:35:07 (BST)
Sandra -. I am here visiting the Witches and they asked me to let you know that minnie is taking her glibness tablets regularly. Without a context it is very difficult to interpret the finer details of dreams, and there have been a few dreams lately in the Dream Box concerning games and numbers about which we could speculate infinitely with or without assistance from the Number Devils,( who luckily left New York a few days ago and are now safely back in their abacus labyrinth, very relieved that they decided against moving their hopscotch game over to the World Trade Centre because the updraughts were interefering with their magnetic shoes).So I regret that your quest for understanding did not meet with much assistance from the Witches this time. It sounds as if you are coming closer to your own interpreatation anyway. Good Luck and Magical Times. CoMpatino, Professor Of Magick, Urban Hillbilly College.
CoMpatino De Luxe
- Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 20:39:12 (BST)
Had a twin towers dream. Al Pacino was in one and Michelle Pffeifer in the other. They were looking at each other through the windows, and each had a telescopic device for close-ups. He was trying to will her to come over to his tower through telepathy, but she just sat there smiling, resisting, sipping a cup of coffee. By thw way , my friend Em has had recurring dream for the past 6 months of being on a plane which crashes into a tall building, she always wakes up at the moment of impact.
London, - Thursday, September 20, 2001 at 14:54:51 (BST)
Here's a bit of information before I describe my dreams. When my ex and I were still going out, he had a friend who I thought was funny. He was so akward and cute, but I wasn't attracted to him in that way. After I broke up with my ex (we only went out for a month), I started talking more and more to his friend at school and became bizarrely attracted to him, but he was 2 years younger than me and was much different. I knew a relationship would never work out, but I always enjoyed his company. We weren't close, but we'd talk every now and then at school. He asked me out but I had to say I couldn't, that he was too young. He gave me his phone number in my yearbook but I never called because I didn't know what I would say. I knew we couldn't go out but I don't think I could have carried on a relationship with him without feeling romantically for him. This year, he moved and is now going to a different school. Sometimes I see him downtown and talk with him. I feel that he is drawn to me as I'm drawn to him... it's a very unexpected attraction. I've been having these reoccuring dreams where we are in love, like Romeo and Juliet love. It feels so good. He is haunting my dreams. Last night I dreamt that amiss horrible chaos, like a storm or an armageddon, in darkness, he was there for and he held me close and held my hand. I just looked at our hands, and never wanted to let go. I'm having all these mixed emotions. What does all this mean? Did I know him in a past life? He's bewitching me.
Eleanor <
Charlottesville, Virginia USA - Wednesday, September 26, 2001 at 21:12:13 (BST)
I often have dreams where I'm looking out a window and it's dark outside. I watch as clouds form a small finger which touches the ground to become a tornado. It is usually inevitable that it is coming in my direction, though sometimes it will miss me. Recently I had this one where I am on some stairs and the whole wall is out in front of me, so I can see the tornado coming. There are a few people around me who have found a spot to hold on to. I see this guy who I grab because he has no place to hold on to, and I wedge myself against the large wood banister of the stairs. The tornado comes and everyone is fine and the sun is out. The guy is a guy who's in school with me who I've just started talking to.
I've always had a fascination with tornados. When I was young I'd always watch those specials on tornados, because they scared me, but at the same time excited me. When my mom was pregnant with me, a tornado was heading right towards the house she and my dad lived in, but split into two tornados and sort of leap-frogged around the house. Could this have something to do with it? I'd appreciate any information you may have, my e-mail is kiwisweet@aol.com. Thanks!!! -A budding witch
Willow Wisp <
- Wednesday, September 26, 2001 at 21:29:33 (BST)
I am stood lookin at a field, though it is really my old primary school. The ground sinks in the middle, like a weight on an elastic square film, to reveal a manhole cover.
I float down to the cover and lift the lid open. I begin to shimmy down a ladder, almost forever, but only takes seconds.
I am in a corridor of an underground hospital, tunnels leading off in all directions, though there is no sign of the manhole I entered by. I have to hide, but I have to find it. Sneaking around, dodging all the wierd people, afraid, but not enough to prevent my search. Up and down corridors, checking out rooms.
Now I'm in one of my old classrooms, but from Secondary school. Waiting for the bell to ring to dismiss class. Can't wait so go to the tiny washroom for a drink of water, but the water is bad and tastes awful. Massive school building, Tiny washroom. So wierd, large, small, large, small.
Now I'm on the huge solid stone stairs going upwards, but then the rail vanishes. The stairs get wobbly and narrower and narrower and the spaces between them get further and further apart.
The space I'm in is so tiny. Having to force my way between the ceiling and where the stairs meet, just an impossible wedge. Make it through, and am on the edge of the old school roof looking down through the old dome glass skylight, into the old assembly hall so far below. Feel sick because it is so high unprotected.
Falling, falling, but don't wake up. I'm back in the tunnels running for my life, searching everywhere for the manhole to escape from. I'm exactly where it should be, but it's not there.
Too late, I'm caught.
Dragged off to the operating table. Aliens everywhere. Screaming, screaming.
Wake up in huge pool of sweat shaking violently, crying, afraid I'm not awake yet. All is dark.
The Alchemist <
Liverpool, UK - Friday, September 28, 2001 at 05:54:04 (BST)
Sue - As the image of the World Trade Centre slips into the collective unconscious, it will probably become a metaphor in many different ways. You have linked it in this dream to a polarity of masculine and feminine principles. Masculine and feminine, light and dark, a swarthy hook-nosed male, a fair and tranquil ideal of Western beauty. If this is your unconscious view of the clash of ideologies currently besetting your mortal realm, it seems that you wish the feminine principle to prevail, a feeling we all drink deeply to here . Love is the heart of everything. Regards, Golightly.
ps. Your friend is not the only one to have had premonitiary dreams.The coming of this great tragedy pierced a wound in time before it pierced so many hearts.
- Monday, October 01, 2001 at 21:50:05 (BST)
I was in a museum or castle, in a enormous room. Armor, swords
and shields lined the walls. I was on my knees with my hands over my
head. The ceiling was falling from wild horses running on the roof.
Ghostrose <
us - Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 09:01:37 (BST)
Eleanor - Your youthful query brought a big smile, like a ray of sun, to our cloudy forest and we all whole-heartedly encourage you to have fun with your mixed emotions - explore them, they are a playing-field of possibility. We understand that age means different things at different times.During the more bloodthirsty episodes of sibling rivalry among our elves, we ask the older ones to try looking at the younger ones as their teachers rather than just beating them up because they're smaller and don't have as much experience . Its easy to look down on those smaller, younger and more innocent than oneself . But more interesting to look forwhat they might have to teach you....Relationships are what YOU make them. Contrary to popular belief, there are no set rules.
- Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 13:05:12 (BST)
Willow Wisp - Sounds like you have a case of sub-acute Tornadoitis, or as the Chinese medical experts in the Physik Garden Healing Room would put it, Rising Wind in the Lower Burner, probably contracted in the womb. It's nothing serious. As you say, Everyone is fine and the sun is out. You are a child of the Wind. Lucky you.
regards, Poulene
- Sunday, October 14, 2001 at 13:13:02 (BST)
Alchemist - With a name like that perhaps you should be interpreting your own dreams No? To me this does in fact sound like an alchemical transformative experience, though not a comfortable one. going down/visiting the unconscious realm and then going up to the roof/ superego or maybe higher self, ( or "higher shelf" as that great wag Michaelangelo used to quip whilst cleaning his brushes under the roof of the Sistine, where he'd painted a little shelf just to keep his turps and old rags), getting a glimpse of a more lofty experience before being plunged back to the operating table where presumably the transformation will take place. Your struggle is not an easy one but you HAVE seen the view from the roof which I think must be positive. School is a place where we go to learn, so this dream probably contains a lesson, a spiritual lesson, for you
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 22:31:45 (GMT)
Ghostrose - Sounds like your armour, your protective covering, is crumbling and your castle, wherein you defend yourself or wall your self off from others, is caving in. This may or may not be a GOOD THING. If I were you I'd either duck and cover or fasten your seat-belt and go along for the ride, depending on your circumstances.
Sorry to have taken so long to reply to these dreams. We're so bored with the propensity of you mortals for war-mongering, we went on a package into deep space as it was the only way we could avoid satellite news channel interference with our attempts to transcend the unthinkable with the unbelievable.
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 22:49:31 (GMT)
I dream that my dad is driving down a street and I'm in the passenger's side. We're driving along and the street becomes winding and the light is eery. Suddenly we go around a curve and there are dead bodies, decapitated and with severed limbs, like they had been ripped apart by wild animals. I assumed that they had all been hit by cars. I recognized a few of them. I instantly felt incredibly scared and I was crying histerically, telling my dad to watch out as he swerved around the bodies. I recognized one of the bodies as my friend Amy. What does this mean? It was an incredibly graphic and scary dream.
Willow Wisp <
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 02:45:28 (GMT)
I dream I am in a huge old house with long, dark hallways. I am looking for some marshmallows for a friend to temporarily replace her medication, or she might die. So I'm walking down the halls and I see my friend. He died last January, he killed himself. He was 17 when he died. I see him leaning over a dark, man-made creek built into the wall. He is working and he's very dismal, very dreary. I ask him how he is, and he says he's good. I'm so happy to see him. I ask him if he knows who I am, and he says no. I don't know what to say.
Then, in the same dream, I am running with several people from a vampire-type man. We jump through windows and try to save each other and escape the man.
Willow Wisp <
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 03:11:25 (GMT)
Thanx for the insight Minnie. Doctors make the worst patients, hence my posting :) The Alchemist merely transforms waste into value, (Lead into Gold). I have powerful dreams, but unlike you can no longer Dream-weave. Take care.
PS. I once had the privelige of spending time with 3 witches many years ago. A story you would like :) another time.
The Alchemist
- Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 01:59:24 (GMT)
a new black shiney expensive but not large car sits covered in a heavy blanket of snow, no other cars around, no buildings. Two boys pace around the car waiting for me, I somehow know. One of them would occassionally knock some of the snow off the car revealing more of the vehicle. The boys hung around the car witing and one said "where is she"--this gave me feelings that disturbed and troubled me for I knew they were cold and I was neglectful for no good reason. Dusk was nearing. The boys had on winter coats and knit hats and gloves. I seemed to realize that the one boy who did the talking was actually a girl with her long hair stuffed up inside her hat.(me in my youth, I did that with my hair) I would not be seeking the car except for their summoning me. The car may represent different aspects of my own self-understanding. What more can you tell me?
Marie Kazalia <
San Francisco, CA USA - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 00:15:08 (GMT)
I dreampt that I was heading towards a beautiful castle in a hot country but it was a set that I had made and in order to get to it I had to walk through this man made sea and the nearer I got to it the more the wave machine was turned up. There were also semi clad men in the water in fake Egyptian looking outfits. I was trying to distract them as I knew that they were actors, I eventually got fed up of trying to compete with the waves and walked out of the sea.
lehla <
Cape Town, South Africa - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:38:49 (BST)
I have recurring dreams of the same place or should I say the same house. It's a huge white house, a mansion with Roman columns to the front. Once it was by a beach and I had to walk through a stream to get to it. Once ot was in the middle of the forest. But everytime it's the same house. A house I've never seen in reality.
- Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 01:29:00 (BST)
I had a dream in which I and lots of other people were running through some kind of underground chamber because we were being chased by three wolves. We ran into a little room and closed these two big wooden doors to stop the wolves coming in. I noticed that the doors were rotten and it wouldn't take the wolves long to get in. I then noticed that there was a sort of trap door in the roof, it was a way out. I climbed up to it while the others tried to find things to hold the doors together. I opened the trap door and put my head through to see darkness and then lights in the distance and knew that safety was towards the lights. I had the intention of climbing out the trap door and helping everyone else out but I was filled with total dread that there were more wolves outside. In my dream, when I looked through the trap door I had a feeling of being in the village I was brought up in. I found the dream frightning.
Anne-Marie <
Scotland - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 20:06:34 (GMT)
The year was 2020, Madonna had been US President for 12 years and she had a major crisis on her hands. Comet Pandora was due to hit the earth on 5th December and it was April 1st. She was way behind schedule on harmonising project "retrovision" to laser it and change its orbit, due to lack of belief from the middle east. ( They think we should let it hit us so Allah can decide ) nothing really changes. Unfortunately I awoke before I knew the outcome.
Doug Newman <
Sandhurst, Berkshire England - Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 21:39:54 (GMT)
DOUG. Fantastic! Bike it over to a script agent immediately. I see a whole new post Bush/Iraq/NineEleven genre of cinema emerging. Any more ideas like this and you're on your way to being a hot property.Let us know how you get on. MINNIE
- Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 11:06:33 (GMT)
The Madonna dream has been back in far more detail to the point where it seems like waking reality. I am not just an observer, but an active participant. Madonna actually becomes president due to the influence of a book I write that captures the imagination of the entire planet. It was just a dream wasn`t it?
Doug New <
Sandhurst, Berkshire UK - Sunday, March 09, 2003 at 20:16:29 (GMT)
DOUG: Dunno. Was it? Hear she's moved back to Ca. Couldn't stand the London winter. Well, our chickens have more credibility when it comes to a film career. President, tho. Couldn't be worse than the present incumbent could she? Minnie
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003 at 19:49:55 (GMT)
i was at some mans house(who i was seeing at the time)and another women walked in(which was also hes girlfriend)in this dream the bathroom was coming off his living room!she started saying she didnt want to keep there baby so he told us all to leave but we just stayed anyway!in this dream he name was kirsty(mines kirstin?)so he started dragging her by her hair across the front room into the bathroom slapping her & punching her.me & my friend run out the house.in this dream i woke up so i thought it was a dream i see his friend what was there & he threatend me saying if i spoke about what he done i would get the same!!
me & all my friends wen tout for a drink one night & he come aswell we went back to my friends place.they got into an argument & he slapped my friend couple of times!what does thies mean when your dreams actualy come true?thanks for listening
kirst <
- Monday, March 24, 2003 at 12:19:28 (GMT)
in my dream i just wrote the dream i had stops when he threatens me & then when me & all my friend go out that realy happend
- Monday, March 24, 2003 at 12:23:22 (GMT)
I'm walking in a forest nature reserve which houses a breed of ape-like creatures which are directly related to modern humans. I feel safe until a baby ape appears sat on the earth path. I have to walk around it and as i do i feel i've offended the other apes. They begin to watch me through the trees. Eventually i run, i go over a little hillock on the path and as i reach the top i see an ape leap at me from the side. I panic and sprint down the hillock but when i reach the bottom i'm caught. Then i wake.
Rebecca Dickson <
United Kingdom - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 20:16:24 (BST)
i always dream that I am being chased and I run into a house and frantically try to lock all the doors and windows.
kelly morgan <
- Monday, August 25, 2003 at 18:10:23 (BST)
I was sitting in my house and heard knocking on the door. My son and Daughters friends were there and they brought their cousins who were taller than me. They started chasing round the house and my Daughter and one friend was bouncing on the bed and trying on the jewellrey.I remember shouting "If that goes missing i'll kill you!"
Then I looked around the rooms and they were covered in clothes. I made everyone pick them up and then thought
"Where is Harry (one of my son's friends)?" then I heard a knocking on the tumble dryer. Then I saw his face peeking out. I let him out then asked the rest why they did it. They said for a laugh. Then I said "Clear off all of you!" Then I woke up.
- Friday, September 05, 2003 at 08:34:47 (BST)
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