Go to the House of Rooms

"Synapses" (Copyright Michael Eldridge 1999)

Edited by: The 3 Witches


Share your dreams by visiting:

    The Box of Dreams

The Box of Dreams

"Dreams are the only reality"
Federico Fellini

Those dreams!! Those vivid, significant dreams! Recurring dreams, prophetic dreams, frightening or embarrassing dreams, dreams of courage, dreams of bliss, secret dreams, mundane dreams...They are all messages from the unconscious which we mean to write down and, of course, get interpreted. But, inevitably on waking they get pushed aside by the concerns of the day, or forgotten, and end up in some vast dream scrap-heap, who knows where? If only there was someone, somewhere, somehow...

If you would like to share your dreams, we want to hear them, and if they are tasty ones, you might get a response from one of the 3 resident witches.

It only takes a moment to remember.... 

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