your fashioning, your mending and like a box within a box, i find you never ending |
a clutch of simple sounds meant with all conviction, thrown up to drift in search of hopeful capture.
this is forever massive.
so worthy of your respect, so essential to hear, never more deserving of your bending ear. a brush aside in laughter thick with blinkered ignorance and unseen danger.
think beyond the superficial, then chew and ingest and grow fat on true meaning or be forever sick on eventual and ultimate regret. |
the joy of our capacity to heal the way from you to me...
the willful ways we fix and fly to bring a smile to you and i.... |
here, adrift too many precious hours lit candle shadows, gift flowers folded images, tender words conceal desires warm, in sorrow comfort cold reveal drink haze clouded eyes and mind flickered thoughts and shadows ill-defined glow glitter fingers dance and mime while music strips the sense from time it swirls me lost and shows me sleep i feel late evening embers creep 'til calling cuts the evening blurred sweet rapture of a distant word |
desire washes round me laps at my feet penetrates my skin sucks me in pulls me deep constant surprise at the depth of this feeling keep my head up relax and swim with the waves i am supported and safe shut off my senses the noise and distraction i revel in your thoughts and give up myself completely |
pull me through these endless hours heave me fast through cool and white conjugate these minds of ours bring her love into my sight give me means to touch and taste her blackened beauty looming in to make this longing be displaced to crush the end so we begin |
can you find the strength inside to help you through the days and nights until we are one?
is there nothing i can say? is there nothing i can do, but come? |
empty like the glass that passed between us in the near and flickering darkness.. empty of the wine, meant to forget the many times of cruel formation and endless recall of tear-stained memories.
empty i am, of ways to flush away the hateful past like these bottles, drained and washed. our swimming heads collide in the glow of early morning, and warming is the comfort we imbibe..
but day will come too soon to wrench back forgotten smiles revealing yet again the dreadful piles of enormous ingrained sadness..
and i remember once again, how empty i become to the light that draws you on like the shining of the dawn on the face of one so young. |
tear this mouth away reveal the vile and stinging sounds spit out uncaring word saliva empty my head forever |
![]() my lady swoops and circles diving in and beyond on fate's unforgiving breeze passing fleeting shadows over giving wisps of light and word teasing tender drops to fall into my hand hidden by the clouds of unknown effect leaving trails of ghostly silence and on gusts of awful confusion she is gone |
![]() empty space feels the push and prick of your new and tender spears, unfolding buds spill chalky dust onto shiny sun-catching hands, waiting, fingering the air, tasting the world, fragile and dependent on unselfish care, so naive in your need, and so very beautiful. i seem jealous of sure and steady growth in peace, and in painful absence. the power of living presence replenishes constant memory as i return the gift, quench this thirst for love, respect your gentle quest for life. |
![]() falling sun glows like burning embers hot as passion
magnificent clouds shine like smiling faces warm as summer
spiky trees stand like silhouetted hands dark as winter
daytime comes to end light gives way to sadness until the new dawn breaks |
![]() press hard on the shoulders of time, crush the hours, like tin cans to twisted metal give no breadth or width to weeks, no depth to days and squeeze the life from every simple second turn then into now and make tomorrow today |
![]() your eye your single, sad eye your eye that speaks volumes of sadness
your lips your bloody red lips pursed in impatience intolerant of life a life full of grief a heart full of woe a head full of hope
your face stares in silence tells me everything and nothing the light playing upon it is warm but like the judgement of the world, seems to sear and scold seems to burn a great hole
but the real light which shines is still from the eye a glimmer, but faint there is still hope if only you try
i sit and look into this eye and find i cannot bear this sadness. |
![]() if i tried to tell you how ingrained you are words would fail, fail as often they do when feelings overwhelm their strength blots out their names. i know what i know, i do not need to name these thoughts for me, but only so you know how deep you penetrate, and fill, how far i have been taken, how much i want to tell you, how much i want you to know that i am yours and you mine. |
I am 35, and have lived in England all my life. I have always enjoyed writing, but would never have thought of myself as a poet. It is only recently that I have begun to dabble with poetry, which is something I was taught at school but never really understood. Coming into contact with people who choose to write down their thoughts and feelings has given me an appreciation of the value of poetry. I have been inspired to use words to describe my own moods and the effects of personal experience. Poems also give snapshot visions of the writer's thoughts, which I feel give a permanence to something valuable which would otherwise have been lost. In the short time I have been writing, I have discovered that the benefits can be at least as great for the writer as for the reader, and I sincerely hope that these poems give as much pleasure in being read as was gained from writing them. E-mail Ian Brown at: ian.brown@quantel.comThe above poems are © copyright Ian Brown 1999. They may not be copied or reproduced in part or in total without prior permission of the author. Please add your name and comments to the Poetry Room Guestbook... |