
Born in London, he now lives and works as a painter, photographer and educator in Le Marche, Italy, where he has his studio.
From 1972 onwards he has exhibited widely in Europe and the United States in group exhibitions and one-man shows; both as a photographer and painter.
In the eighties, he won a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in California and subsequently returned to the UK to teach at the prestigious Bournemouth School of art where he was Director of post-graduate studies in Photography. He has also taught at the 'Study in Siena' school in Tuscany and for some years at the Open University in the UK. He has lectured at the Society for Photographic Education in Carmel, California, at the San Francisco Art Institute, and he has conducted various workshops in creativity in the USA, in particular in Tucson, Arizona.
Between 1989 qnd 1995, he organised multi- disciplinary workshops with dancers, filmmakers and poets in both the UK and Italy, in Tuscany, at the ‘Sorgente’ School.
As a curator, he has organised three major exhibitions of photography in Barcelona at the ‘Primavera Fotografica in 1988, 1990 and 1995, two shows at the ‘Rencontres’ in Arles, Provence, in 1990 and 1992 and an exhibition at the ‘Primavera of Prague’ in the Czech Republic in 1994. In 1993 he curated a major show at the Argivo deDivisao in Lisbon.
From 1999, together with the photographer Simon Larbalestier, he conceived and launched the Cult Art site ‘’, an on-line art forum which he currently coordinates and where he writes ‘The Spider chronicles’ and runs the ‘Glasshouse’ a forum for artists to show their work on-line.
He is the director of Starstone, an organisation which runs workshops in Zen Photography and Creativity Coaching.

Nato a Londra, ora vive nelle Marche dove ha il suo studio e lavora come un pittore e fotografo
A partire dal 1972 ha allestito mostre personali e collettive in Europa e negli Stati Uniti sia come fotografo che come pittore.
Negli anni ‘ 80 ha vinto una borsa di studio come educatore presso la Fulbright in California dove ha insegnato fotografia per un’anno., è stato coinvolto nella progettazione di programmi di post laurea di arte per la scuola Toscana “Study in Siena”, ha insegnato presso la Scuola di Fotografia Bournemouth (Regno Unito) e presso la Open University , oltre ad avere dato e insegnato in varie scuole e seminari negli Stati Uniti, comprese le conferenze al The Society for Photographic Education in Carmel, California, e alla San Francisco Art Institute. Ha organizzato vari workshop di creatività a Tucson, in Arizona.
Tra il 1989 ed il 1995 ha progettato mostre collettive realizzate in collaborazione con ballerini, filmmakers e poeti in Inghiltera e Toscana
Come curatore ha organizzato tre mostre fotografiche a Barcellona “La Primavera Fotografica”, (1988,1990,1995) e due mostre al The Rencontres Arles (1990,1992), in occasione della 'Primavera di Praga' Repubblica Ceca (1994 ), A Lisbona, presso la Argivo che Divisao (1993)
Nel 1999, insieme con il fotografo Simon Larbalestier, concepisce e crea il sito web “ cult art” ' Physik Garden “ sito d'arte on-line e forum dove ne è il coordinatore e dove scrive e pubblica 'Le Cronache di Spider' oltre alla galleria virtuale, Glasshouse, dove sono esposte le sue opere pittoriche e fotografiche..